Monday, January 02, 2006

Cancerous Bloomberg Pledges to Metastasize

"We will take our message to Albany, to Washington and to every capital of every state that permits guns to flow freely across its borders," said Bloomberg.

"And to those who distort our laws to aid and abet hardened criminals, know this," he said, punching the air for emphasis. "We will not rest until we secure all of the tools we need to protect New Yorkers from the scourge of illegal guns."
I wonder how that sounds being screamed in its original German?

My "favorite" point from this story--and one that we ignore at our peril:
Gun control advocates said that as the Republican mayor of the country's largest city - and one of the GOP's most generous donors - Bloomberg could be uniquely positioned to influence the national gun control debate.


  1. .....and to every capital of every state that permits guns to flow freely across its borders," said Bloomberg.....

    Oh, you mean the states that are CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLICS - not PEOPLES REPUBLICS like yours, eh, mayor?

    Fat chance Herr Bloomberg! I'll bet you and Hitlery have nice little 'tea & crumpett' sessions!

  2. *grins*
    Commence screaming

    "Wir nehmen unsere Anzeige nach Albanien, nach Washington und zu jedem Kapital jedes Zustandes, der Gewehren ermöglicht, über seine Ränder frei zu fließen, und zu denen, die unsere Gesetze verzerren, um zu helfen und zu ermutigen Verbrecher verhärtete, wissen Sie dieses, wir stehen nicht bis uns sichern alle Werkzeuge still, die wir neues Yorkers vor der Plage der ungültigen Gewehren schützen müssen.”

    Compliments of


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