Friday, January 27, 2006

Do What We Say Or Else

A National Rifle Association-backed bill that would force businesses that sell hunting and fishing licenses to help register customers to vote cleared its first legislative hurdle Wednesday.

That doesn't seem very freedom-friendly...

[Via John Schaefer]



  1. Well.. My first comment is that I would not buy into everything which is written in the media. I think that any business would only need to keep these on hand, and would not face any penalties if they didn't offer them.

    ..but I agree...

    Also I like this comment "Some Democratic lawmakers said the Republican-controlled Legislature's real target is signing up more NRA- and GOP-friendly voters."

    My though is SO... Many democrats are supporting allowing felons (who are murders, rapists...) to vote for exactly the same reasons.

  2. Bill said...."Many democrats are supporting allowing felons (who are murders, rapists...) to vote for exactly the same reasons."

    Well, think about it for a minute, all that stuff never kept a Kennedy or Clinton out of office, let alone kept them from voting. You might say they are just following their tradition.

  3. Having said what I did in the previous post, I agree with the Democrats that this shouldn't be done, but for different reasons.

    There is a word for forcing industry and business to further the reach of state power and act in the interests and in some cases in proxy for government. That word is facism.

    I don't support tyranny from any quarter.

  4. Excuse me..... that is fascism. Facism is what I do to my mirror as infrequently as ain't pretty.


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