Monday, January 23, 2006

The Irresponsible Second Amendment

Military-style assault weapons of the kind wielded by Henry have been showing up in increasing numbers since Congress and President Bush allowed federal ban on the guns to expire in late 2004. They did the bidding of the National Rifle Association, and it's all but certain that innocent blood will be spilled because of the blind irresponsibility of the NRA and its agents in Washington.
This is why the Brady Campaign doesn't need to have that many members--the media does its job for them.

UPDATE: Tell me great minds don't think alike...

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  1. That editorial is one slick package. Of course, there's not an ounce of truth in it anywhere.

    And, yes, the Brady Brats have a complicit media on their side, which goes out of its way to praise the gun grabbers, and either stonewall us or make us look like lunatics, or mad dog killers. Then they slam us for having to pay good money to get our side out to the people, while the Brady Brats get a free ride.

    I find the whole bunch of them tiresome and disgusting!

  2. ...since Congress and President Bush allowed federal ban on the guns to expire in late 2004. They did the bidding of....

    the Constitution, in part.


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