Monday, January 30, 2006

Is "The Time" Approaching?

Good opinion piece from Kathryn A. Graham.

With all due respect, I strongly disagree with this assertion:
The defender always has the tactical advantage.
Not always, Ms. Graham. Only when moves are telegraphed.

[Via Rational Review]


  1. How many times in the past ten years have I heard this particular screed, the end is nigh, oh for a muse of fire,etc. I know what life is. I know what history is. I just live my life and try to enjoy it. Yes things are very dicey,upsetting,many things are absolutely wrong,unjust,hideous even. Talk about it. Fine. Write about it. Fine. Please consider not obsessing with it. What must come, will come. Bad news will come and refuse to leave. The S will hit the fan, the levee will break, millions will perish, and what's left will be unrecognizable. Have I left anything out? She's right. Be prepared. But preparation probably shouldn't include the Captain Ahab speech if you want any of the crew of good and plenty to be around to evangelize the survivors about what went wrong and the best means of avoiding it. That beknighted bunch of people that won WW2 came back and passed on ..... nothing. They just wanted a cold beer and the cars keys and to get laid as much as possible. The kids didn't learn squat because they had it handed to them so they wouldn't have to suffer like Pop did. The time? Time to get off your behind and do what you can. But quityerbitchin.

  2. Agree with you David as far as on that assertion. I've always been taught a strong offense, is the best defense. And, one does not always have to actually carry out the 'offense' into action. Evil, in my opinion, is very aware when it comes face to face with someone who will fight it.

    It is in how one carries themselves and in their mannerisms. As well as the ability of looking the world straight in the eye. And being prepared for ANY eventuality.

    In my minds eye, there can be no doubt that our country is headed for disaster. For that is the natural end-of-the-line for evil. And, whether we chose to accept it or not. We ALL share responsibility for it coming to the obvious point that it is coming to. Either by acts of omission or by commission, we are all guilty. Blame at this point, solves nothing. But rather causes division.

    The particularly disturbing trend I've noticed, is that of people withdrawing themselves into their own personal 'camps'. And this tendency is not a sound way to respond to the obvious approaching storm. This IS NOT the method our Founders used.

    Our Founders chose UNITY. As spelled out clearly in a statement by Ben Franklin; "We must indeed all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately!"
    Divide and conquor, is an ancient method used in the military. First, send in 'plants' who spread their little dark messages of 'doubt' and 'fear'. Stir up the pot with lies and rumors, and other diversionary as well as divisive tools.

    Thus, you divide your enemy into different camps. And it makes it far easier to conquor each one individually.

    Our Founders used the EXACT OPPOSITE approach. They sowed seeds of UNITY. Knowing there would be NO WAY each individual colony could stand against the mighty British crown on its own.
    They UNITED.

    They knew the 'beast' doesn't care if your black, white, liberal, democrat, republican, conservative, whatever. All they knew was that the 'beast' has an insatiable appetite and very little regard for the 'welfare' of ANY.


    "The smaller the extent of the territory, the more difficult will it be for the people to form a regular or systematic plan of opposition"...
    - Alexander Hamilton, Federalist #28

    Given all this. It is my suggestion that WE ALL reevaluate our various, assorted and sundry plans. And join together in a strong cohesive unit, as a better means of defense. As well as, perhaps, demonstrating to the usurpers our resolve. This may influence their decision to attempt even further treasonous acts.

  3. Sean, with all that's going on, I don't really think linking to one article is obsessing...

  4. Not you, boss, her. Mea Culpa if I have offended. I've always thought you clean and fresh and ready to once more head into the breach.

  5. No offense, Sean, I thought that might be it after replying. Still, is that her MO? I took it from her intro that she has never resigned herself to this conclusion any case, with everything that has happened recently and is developing, I can think of many Reichstag Fire scenarios or actual attacks/disasters where the response on the part of the govt will be one of repression, I can think of many opportunities for trip wires and resultant chain reactions...

  6. I know what you mean. I often feel like the guy in a horror movie that can see the monster plain as day, touching my neighbors on the arm as I stare incredulous at what is slouching in our direction,"@#!$$%## would you look at that!", to which I get the reply,"Yeah, I know, whodoya think will take it,Seattle or Pittsburgh?" Reichstag? Mebbe.Whatever does it,it'll stink like rotten shrimp and the good and easy times will vanish like a mist. Hope I can cadge a decent coffee between blazing up and reloading.


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