Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A Nicki Twofer

Nicki has more to say about that absurd Washington Post editorial calling for a national handgun ban.

She also tackles the latest proposed ban by the Brits: this time, it's samurai swords they're after. My email comments to her on that:
Just Samurai? Isn't that racist?
Substitute "brick" for "sword" and "bashed" for "stabbed."
UPDATE:It might help if I gave you the link to her comments on the WaPo gun ban proposal.


Sorry, Nicki.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget that the British government's anti-firearms legislation has been so "successful" that they also want to ban, and I'm not kidding, "relaistic imitation firearms" with the so-called Violent Crime Reduction Bill. This will likely even include airsoft guns.


    Tony Blair has been saying since he was first elected into office that he would be "tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime". Sadly he seems to be under the impression that inanimate objects somehow cause criminals to commit their crimes. Either that or this is yet another attempt to be seen to be doing something about a situation that is out of his control.


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