Friday, January 27, 2006

Safe Space for All?

Supervisor Christine Lim of the San Leandro Unified School District has ordered "Safe Space" banners posted in all classrooms.

I'm concerned about tolerance and acceptance, too. KABA's Inclusion Policy was derived from the one I originated at, in an attempt to show everyone that--regardless of our differences--you have a right to self defense that all must respect.

The problem is, those who posture the loudest about diversity don't seem very tolerant of traditional values. Heck, the SF cops launched an investigation of me for asking the mayor if I could exercise my right to keep and bear arms in his city (and hypothetically describing what that might look like).

So it's not like the political left embraces diversity that doesn't advance their agenda. I wonder if children who wish to express and exemplify "traditional values" feel welcomed, or if prevailing attitudes intimidate them from proudly expressing who they are...?

Just to make sure all feel there is a "safe space" for them in San Leandro's public schools, I'm sending Ms. Lim a link to this post, and asking her to also make sure the following message gets posted in the classrooms, side-by-side with the other.

What a wonderful way to show tolerance and acceptance of all! Think there's a chance in hell she'll do it?

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  1. Not a chance. Let us know if she even answers you.

    Tolerance means what she says it means, now shut up, she doesn't want to hear you expressing your opinion. How intolerant can you be? Having your own ideas? Are you some kind of intolerant freak? Everybody knows her kind get to define tolerance.

    Jeez David, didn't you known that? Yeah, me neither.

  2. Interesting note. Ironically, things that are 'implied' and 'expressed' are often very different (especially in regards to social acceptance). Instead of directly judging their attempt to make things safe for those that don't feel that they are (due to social structure and stereotypes), put yourself in their shoes. How would you handle being a white christian american male in a school full of american-hating islamic jihadist children. granted, its 'implied' that you are safe (even though you are socially different) but how do you think you would feel? Safe? I dunno....
    The point is, the problem is not the sign. The fact that 'tolerence' needs to be 'expressed' in the form of a posted sign signifies other social problems. This is far from a matter of opinion, (difference between the writer and the school system) but the clashing of narrow minds from opposing schools of thought. Unfortunately, those with the power (school in this case) feel that posting a sign is more effective than going to the root of the problem. On the other hand, they have washed their hands of responsibilty to some degree, making their attempt equally worthless IMO. Instead of forcing 'tolerance' through the classroom, (since when did ethics 101 become required for graduation?) maybe some adults ought to sack up and start teaching their kids the concept of 'acceptance' (not tolerence, which is very different and useless, just like the sign) in an effort to break the 'fear' of someone/something different.
    (...gets off soap box, puts on flame suit....)

  3. No flames from this end, anonymous--what you say makes a lot of sense.

  4. Hell no she wont. She is in control, and has the last say. And like we have all learned in history is that absolute power corrupts absoutly. Can you say dictatorship? I agree with you 100% Just a thought from a gun toating, liberal, HOMOSEXUAL!!!!!

  5. This is one of those excercises or experiments where one is 99.999% certain of the outcome, but it has to be done nonetheless.

    I'm confident that adding pro-life to the mix would push certainty to 100%.

  6. Ben, you're right. I put this together without any planning and figured "pro-life" would be under the "religious" umbrella...

  7. I emailed her and encouraged her to reply. I think everyone should!


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