Monday, February 06, 2006

Gallery Updates

Tomato 7 and Head have joined the fun. I've also had several folks send in pictures by email. And I see Bill St. Clair liked my suggestion...

I'll probably make the Gallery updates a weekly task (Million Moon March Monday?) unless volume necessitates greater frequency. Until then, I'll just post links to the sites where new pictures appear.

UPDATE: Free Constitution sent them a picture that made me laugh out loud when you factor in the caption he chose: "Make me safe from armed violence."


  1. Hey David, got ONE for you! And it's REAL GOOD. It seems the 'master of charm', (Pol Pot) photo that I submitted, has been accepted!

    It can be viewed here;

    As you can see, Mr. Pot, is pleading for 'them' to; 'Make me safe from armed violence'.

    (Hmmmm. That's funny. As I had thought that Mr. Pot had already done that himself?)

  2. Don't know why the link didn't fully post. But here it is, again;

  3. Now, that's FUNNY, E.Dave!! These idiots don't even recognize Pol Pot!


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