Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Million Moon March

Our Million Faces petition is collecting photos and self portraits from around the world to reach our goal of one million faces by June 2006. We will use these faces to send a powerful, global message of support to the world's governments for an International Arms Trade Treaty.
So the global gungrabbers want us to send them a picture? Are you pondering what I'm pondering, Pinky?



  1. 1 million faces? Make sure you include at least 1 million global faces of victims of crime, genocide, and government suppression. All who are dead because they lacked the means to defend themselves, their homes, their families.

  2. True--there are all sorts of other pictures they could be sent.

    I'm serious, though--I sent them the Bart picture and think this is a no-cost project that every activist gun owner could participate in to send a message of defiance. I'd like for everyone who reads this blog entry and agrees to do two things:

    1. Submit your own picture
    2. Spread the word to other gun owners via email, other blogs, etc.

    It would be nice to get some mass response on this, and it literally is for no cost and only a minute of your time.

    Which is why I'm dreaming. Experience tells me a dozen people won't even lift a living finger to do this. Which makes all the "from my cold dead fingers" rhetoric even more pathetic.

  3. David, I hate to admit this, but I don't know how to collect a picture or how to post somewhere else.

    I will try to find out how it is done, but don't hold your breath. I am an analog man in a digital world.

  4. Right click on an appropriate picture you find on the internet.

    Choose "save image..." (Firefox) or "save picture..." (IE)

    When you get to the posting page on their site, click the "Browse" button" and it will let you navigate down to the saved picture.

    Select it and that's it.

  5. Thanks Mike--blog about this at Armed Cynic, OK?

  6. I submitted the Bart picture. I'll ask John Lott at

    to post about it.

  7. Gave them a picture that I had renamed "Among The Dead" which can be viewed here;
    That should give them food for thought.

  8. Perhaps a gun with Molon Labe across it. Or maybe David's "Among the Dead" with 'disarmed victims' across the bottom.

  9. My computer time during the week is kind of limited, but I'm going to work on this. This merits a massive gunbloggerburst if anything does. And I will post about it on my blog, although I'm pretty obscure.

  10. Anyone got a copy of that bumpersticker that has pictures of the ayatola komaini(screw spelling), stalin, and hitler with the caption, "THE EXPERTS AGREE...GUN CONTROL WORKS"

  11. Anonymous--dang, that's a curve ball--it seems to have disappeared from the web--I did a search and sites either talked about it, or in the case of the JBS bookstore, the image wasn't available.

    See Mike Battaglia's post--he has the "All those in favor raise your right hand" poster on The Armed Cynic:

  12. David,

    I sent this :
    The picture has the words freedom on one side and slavery on the other with a Browning High Wall in the middle with an arrow that says difference.

    The comment I chose from their list of captions is "make me safe from armed violence" I kinda liked the irony of it.

    I guess I've got a different way of staying safe from armed violence that the GFWs...I am armed.

    Keep up the good work.


  13. I did'nt see any pro-self-defense pictures making it onto the site ... I deliberately chose an off the wall location to see if one of mine would make it on to their gallery.

    I think they are moderating submitted photos.

  14. kristopher--yes, they are censoring our submissions. But keep sending them, just to poke a stick in their eye and let them know we are defying them.

  15. Has anyone else received this:

    Thank you for joining the Million Faces petition!

    Now we need your help in getting others to sign it as well.
    Simply copy the text at the end of this email and paste it
    into a new email. Edit as you wish then send it to friends,
    family and colleagues.

    Unfortunately, the image you uploaded did not meet our photo
    guidelines (see
    A standard image has been used instead. If you still wish
    to upload a photo of your face - simply return to the Million
    Faces Petition and enter the same name and email as last time
    and add your photo like last time. It will be screened and
    you'll receive another confirmation email.

    Thanks for being one in a million who are getting tough on arms.

    Control Arms campaign

    My wife got this today. I've received nothing yet on behalf of my own submission or my kids (I have plenty of photos of them at the range).

  16. from the comment from the person getting the email from the Million Face Crap indicates they're ignoring the images sent and counting the submission as an addition to their crazy petition. Personally, I'd rather not be *used* by those nitwits knowing they have no scruples or principles. It's obvious they're adding our emails as being in agreement with their lunacy.

    In this case, perhaps those dozen or so people who fail to "lift a finger" to help in your desire to fight back may actually be doing the better thing.

    Isn't there some other way to oppose them?

  17. LarryT, they are making the numbers they claim totally unreliable by choosing this tack. They can't distinguish between supporters and opponents. This actually works in our favor to discredit their claims of support.


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