Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Why Is There Any Question?

A local rapper was killed in December when a gun went off inside his mouth, but it remains unclear whether the death was an accident, suicide or murder.

The guilty party seems pretty clear to me--"the gun went off inside his mouth." That precludes human intervention, doesn't it?

My only question is why this phenomenon is so common in establishment media reports, yet I've never known anyone in real life who had encountered one of these self-animated guns...?


  1. So this guy had a blood alcohol content of .28 when he was shot? Or shot himself? Or was around a gun that just "went off"?

    And more than 20 minutes went by before someone called 911 and reported that this guy was shot? Even though there were eyewitnesses?

  2. You have obviously forgotten...

    ...that its only guns and SUV's that kill people!!!!

  3. I been damn near shot by drunks twice, and once a drunk tried to cut my throat. Once in a chicken shack in Germany, a drunk who decided he needed to whack somebody on the head, whacked me. Fortunately, some GI standing nearby was watching, and as I hit the floor, he hit the drunk,about 8 or 9 times I'm told. So, I hear it goes like this. Don't handle guns while drunk or drinking, even. Don't hang around drunks who have guns. Don't get in between drunks who are arguing loudly and likely to fight. And don't get in between two drunks fighting when you're drunk and one or both are carrying. I'm just sayin'. Oh, and it helps if your friends don't dance in your blood afterwards, in the event you get drunk anyway and forget all this sage advice. Old Man Booze has put more in the graveyard than all the popguns in all the world.

  4. I would guess the basis of the question is just whose hand the gun was in.


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