Sunday, April 30, 2006

Perverts With Guns

Xavier has gained recognition for his recurring "Idiots With Guns" series. As stupid as some of his subjects are, he's always quick to disclaim:
The purpose of Idiots with Guns is not to humiliate, but to educate.
Meet Verna Bice. This "artist" knows exactly what she's doing, and she's not above using humiliation to indoctrinate. Sorry for linking to pornographic imagery (not due to graphic sexual nature, but because of contrived ugliness), but this is a telling glimpse into how guns are perceived--or at least portrayed--in the mind of Ms. Bice.

This is some sick stuff.


  1. Is this meant to be anti-gun, or is it just bizarre?

  2. It's meant to visualize a rape in progress, so that the emotional impact is swift,and destructive. The point being, to produce a gut feeling that will overcome logic and common sense that will be a sub or pre conscious overeach. Such as in while constantly claiming to seek fairness, and not interfere with hunters and so on, actually motivated by pure hatred of guns, with the express purpose of eliminating all of them, a little at a time if neccessary.

  3. Remember that VN police captain executing that VC with a pistol on camera? The leftists still whine about that one, claiming " That one picture sickened the American people, and turned them against the war". I went down and signed up for the Rangers.

  4. That guy appears to be about to shatter the woman's jaw bone and put a hole through his own left upper arm. I guess he's succeeding at terrorizing her, but it's a pretty stupid way to use a gun.

  5. That stupid C word is very proud of her "work". $309.00 for a digital copy of that piece of tripe? I wouldn't give her .30 cents.


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