Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Compromise on the Right to Bear Arms We Can Live With?

Teddy Bears Have to Meet Consumer Health & Safety Standards...But Guns Don't!--Violence Policy Center

A paint firm here is hoping to add color to wedding receptions in Japan with a new device it has jointly developed -- a gun-shaped party cracker that shoots out a teddy bear.
I'm tempted to say "Go for it," but actually think free market insurance solutions would provide superior consumer protection standards against negligent bear discharge injuries. Besides, when bear guns are outlawed...

Yo, dude-san--finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot...


  1. David,

    Did you notice the little pie chart on the bottom of their poster?

    It listed 981 unintentional deaths by firearms. In a country of 300 million people that equals a accidental fatality percentage of .00032% or 3 TENTHOUSANTHS OF ONE PERCENT!!!

    Considering that there are approximately 85 million gun owners in the United States I'm not so sure 3 tenthousanths of one percent is the epidemic of accidental gun deaths they make it out to be.

    Maybe they should fire the dipdunk that makes their poster. More likely though is that the moron GFWs the poster is aimed at are too dim to do some quick math.

  2. "In 1997, for every time a firearm was used by a civilian to kill in self-defense..."

    Notice how they do not say "used by a civilian in self-defense"? They twist the statistics by only listing the times a goblin was actually killed. I'd like to see them list all the times a firearm was used without anyone dying or even being wounded. But you'll never see THAT number listed by those asshats.

  3. First of all, a teddy bear is a child's toy, and a gun is not, which means the comparison is bogus!

    Almost everyone who has a gun teaches his children that they are not toys. The few who don't sometimes live with some really brutal consequences. The real shocker is that the vaunted police aren't immune to this stupidity, but will the VPC take THEM to task? HELL NO!

    As far as safety standards go, most of the states have safety standards, if the Feds don't. And don't tell me that the gun industry isn't regulated; at least, don't expect me to believe it. It's a wonder they can stay in business, they're so regulated!

    1894 is right. The only defensive gun use that counts with these freaks is one that results in a dead goblin, which is a very small percentage of all defensive uses.

    Accidental deaths are a tiny fraction of overall firearms deaths, so while each one is tragic, the numbers don't justify gun bans. Suicides? Juggle the statistics, you can show a drop in suicide buy gun, but not the total suicide rate. So what's the point of a ban? The suicidal just find other ways. Japan has suicide rate twice that of the U.S., with nary a gun in sight.

    Clearly, lying is not beneath the VPC.

  4. Reckon I meant bobg, about the dead goblins being the only ones that count. Oooops!

  5. BTW, 1894, what is a "GFW"? I haven't been able to figure that one out yet.

  6. RJ-

    I'm going with "Gun-Fearing Wussies" based on the choices here:

  7. Works for me!

    Thanks, Jason!


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