Tuesday, May 23, 2006

From the Same Folks Who Brought You Jim McGreevey

More "gun control"!

And why not?

The government-dependent mothers of those "17,000 gang members" they can't protect the sheeple from from will thank them for it. As will the sheeple themselves.

Let's see, 17 bills--that's one for each thousand gang members...I wonder what the magic ratio is before people realize the magic incantations not only don't work, but guarantee more of the same--all the while taking focus and draining energy away from finding sane and rational solutions?


  1. This is my rifle,
    this is my gun,
    this is for shooting, this is for fun.

    When the state I did run,
    I made sure you can't have either one.

    wellllll, maybe you,handsome.
    McGreevey. Because in your heart you know he needs to be in control.

  2. "...all the while taking focus and draining energy away from finding sane and rational solutions?"

    Oh, you mean like the solution our founders enumerated?

    "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, and this without any qualification as to their condition or degree..." - St. George Tucker

    Naw, they were just old fuddy-duddies, weren't they?.....

    Honestly think about it....If YOU were a criminal, would YOU think of doing a crime. If YOU knew for a FACT that most of the people around you were armed? ?(Setting aside the suicidal maniac types). And there was an almost 100% chance of IMMEDIATE retribution? (Jeopardy tune playing in background.......).


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