Friday, May 05, 2006

The Fruit DOESN'T Fall Very Far From the Tree...

Baird wrote that Capitol Police Patrol Division units, who are trained in driving under the influence cases, were not allowed to perform basic field sobriety tests on the Congressman. Instead, two sergeants, who also responded to the accident, proceeded to confer with the Capitol Police watch commander on duty and then “ordered all of the Patrol Division Units to leave the scene and that they were taking over.”

A source tells the DRUDGE REPORT: "It was apparent that the driver was intoxicated (stumbling) and claimed he was in a hurry to make a vote.

"When it became apparent who it was, instead of processing a normal DWI, the watch commander had the Patrol units clear the scene. The commander allowed other building officials drive Kennedy home."

Is this standard procedure? If so, how many other times has it happened? If not, why did it happen this time?

Who were the sergeants?

Who was the watch commander?

Time for an independent investigation--separate them and put them under oath. Let them know prosecutions will follow lies.

Who issued the order to give Teddy's boy a pass?

Oh, and naturally he's a leader in disarming his countrymen...


  1. David, did you notice Kennedy had the following bit of Kellerman drivel as support for his gun grabing aims

    "Guns kept in the home are 43 times more likely to be used to kill a family member or friend than to kill in self-defense. The presence of a gun in the home triples the risk of homicide in that home, according to the New England Journal of Medicine."

    Despite the fact that it has been PROVEN to be bullshit the GFWs keep right on touting that same study.

    It is just sickening.

  2. Whyyyy, do you know who I AM? (Belch,gurgle) I'm a KENNEDY, damn you, peasant! Get out of my way! Call the desk sgt. and let's see what HE says! I'm a memmmember of Congrhheess, and I'm on muy way to a critical 3AM vote! We Kennedys have murdered and robbed and raped our way across this continent that we have lowered ourselves to rule for over a hundred years, and some little patrol in this village we have plundered and disarmed isn't going to take ME down!(Yurgs onto cops shoes and wipes chin with sleeve ) Get me a drink,peasant,before I ruin your life!

  3. Later today Mr. Kennedy re-entered a rehab program for addiction to prescription pain-killers. He was allowed to get away with describing his condition as a disease which he has bravely fought most of his adult life.

    No one so far as I have heard has used the word crime. Are these not the same people that were so distressed with the lawlessness of Limbaugh for his crimes? Would they have been more tolerant if Mr. Kennedy had come forward and explained it was a pernicious disease? Why didn't he? Will he now have to give up his second amendment rights? Where are all the corruption headlines? Where are all the Democrats calling for an investigation into the special treatment and calling for a special panel to investigate the wielding of unlawful influence on law enforcement personnel?

    Just a few of the questions I have.


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