Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Now THOSE are Curious Search Terms

File this under WTF? Someone from Peru visited WarOnGuns yesterday after looking for a string of words I'm not entirely comfortable with...



  1. Must. Not. Say it.

  2. David, don't feel bad. When we were doing the photo campaign for the million faces, I said something about a "bare butt" in response to the pic of Bart Simpson you posted. Someone actually accessed Liberty Zone via the search string "bare butt."


  3. But David,
    If you are not trying to hide anything...

    I had "Law Enforcement clothes off duty" show up as a search that hit my site...

    Come to think on it, I'm not too comfortable with that!

  4. Suppose it was some red hot Peruvian latina that wanted to be 'livin' la vita loca'?

    There are always two sides to the coin.....

  5. Dude, don't feel bad.

    I'm #1 on google for "McGreevey gay hangouts".



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