Friday, June 02, 2006

From the Land of "Braveheart"

Glass Control. [More]



  1. On my nanny-statism scale, the U.S. is about 6.5 (out of ten) but the U.K. is at 9.75. Why does the number inevitably go UP?

  2. They should ban the glass in the photo - in Glascow and they are showing a Heineken (dutch)beer. They should be ashamed.

  3. Soon, they'll be asking you to remove your fists before entering a public place. You know, those things can go off by themselves and cause an injury. It doesn't matter if crime goes up or down and if the change in crime rate cooresponds with any chnge in gun laws. It's not about crime, its about fear and control. People who oppose guns fear guns and those who possess them. They desire to be in position of power and have the ability to exercise control. Eliminating private gun ownership will reduce their fear, no matter its' effect on the crime rate. It will also facilitate their acquisition of power and cantrol, and allow them to retain them once they are achieved. Those are the real issues.

  4. they should just ban eyes. If nobody could see, just thing how hard it would be to go John Wayne on somebody. Let's face it, Helen Keller didn't have many victims. So just ban eyes. There, all our problems are solved.

    Of course, the airlines are gonna take a hit, but if it saves just one life it will be worth it. Do it for the children.

  5. Oh, hell! Just ban the human being and be done with it!

  6. I guess nothing but paper cups? How long before someone decides those are somehow dangerous? After all, someone might roll one up and poke somebody in the eye with it.

    I'm starting to wonder if the Scotch HAVE anything under their kilts...

  7. Or, we could just ban politicians and governments.

  8. It is a lot worse than you think in Scotland. One of their model citizens, about 16, raped a 15 year old girl in broad daylight, and proceeded, with the help of his father and other so called men in the village, to harass the girl after charges were made. Seems the little angel didn't want jail, and neither did Pa and his associates. The police did nothing to intervene and she was reviled and harassed at will, to the point of killing herself in desperation to be rid of the hell her life became. Happened in '96 I believe. The only thing Scots and Brits and Irish are good at,is treating each other like pure !@#!. Try not to pile on, my ancestors came from there. Half the people in Ireland (4 million) were missing in 1900 because 1 million went to America, and 3 million were starved to death deliberately by the jolly English. They can't be saved,bargained with,or rehabed. What's going to happen to them and Europe will happen.


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