Thursday, June 01, 2006

Shameless Plug: Doh!

The shameful truth is, most of our countrymen—and a good number of gun owners—are ignorant of basic rights that—in another era—would have provoked rebellion should any have been haughty enough to “approach that jewel.”
"Doh!" is my Rights Watch column in the July issue of GUNS Magazine, on sale now at informed newsstands throughout the Republic.

BONUS:See page 92 to find out how you can win a pair of Navy Arms 1873 "Gunfighter Series" revolvers.


  1. The shameful truth is, Dave me bucko, that most of our countrymen are dyed in the wool, forlorn,low down,filthy,never to be retrieved,worthless,lilly-livered cowards. For every punk that used to show up in my outfit, that claimed they wanted to be in the U.S. by G*d Infantry, nine out of ten showed they were yella,too stupid to live,or just plain too damned lazy to hack it. I got mebbe 3 neighbors out of 500 I could count on when TSHTF. Know why the paratroopers motto is Currahee?

  2. Yes.

    And we had better be prepared to do so as well, because all we'll have to count on is ourselves.

  3. Currahee is the hill that you must conquer to become airborne.


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