Wednesday, July 19, 2006

US Guns Go Off on Jamaicans...

...all by their own selves...


  1. Let me get this straight, gun owners in the United States are responsible for Jamaicans shooting each other?

    Well that's amazing, I feel so much better informed now having read his letter to the editor...

    I think in order to improve the state of things over there in Jamaica we should remove all US influence.

    No more nasty American tourists or forgin aid or US goods and services, afterall it's for their own good.

  2. How exactly is it anybody's fault except the Jamaican's that shoots another Jamaican?

    Oh, yeah, that transoceanic mind control thingie. Whom do we know in Jamaica whose mind we can invade ex locus and send to spank Mr. Rupert Johnson? All together now, concentrate!

    Not getting any feedback, Damn!!!! They must be wearing their tinfoil hats.

  3. In reply to Mr. Rupert Johnson's letter about "American Guns killing Jamaicans", let me ask this...was there not a Jamaican holding that gun, pressing, whether deliberately or accidentally on the trigger and pointing it, carelessly or deliberately, at another Jamaican?

    How many of those good Jamaicans holding those American guns were straight and sober, going about their lawful business and using those American guns to prevent some other Jamaican, perhaps not so straight or sober, or perhaps not going about such lawful business, from doing something that might be considered bad, or evil?

    How many of those American guns, sitting in a Jamaican holster or a lockbox, went off on their own while someone Jamaican just happened to be passing by? Not many? None?

    How many more were used by Jamaicans who were in hot pursuit of some other Jamaican's money, or weed, or liquor, or car, or woman, or man?

    How many Jamaicans were killed by knife or bottle or someting heavy, or run over by a car, with nobody holding them or controlling them (Maybe it’s careless or negligent, maybe it’s deliberate?) going to blame those on the knife maker, bottle maker, car maker or the shops that sell them?

    Take care of the beam in your own eye before you try to get a speck of dust out of mine, friend.

    Also, consider how many of those slaughtered in Darfur, or any of several African countries that have seen machete-massacres, or Cambodia, would have died if the majority of their village had their own small arms and ammunition in every house, like the Swiss and the Americans do? This UN gun control effort is largely sponsored by countries where the petty dictator in charge wants to be sure his opposition, or those not of his tribe, cannot get their hands on the ability to either defend themselves or to depose their “president for life”, and if that doesn’t apply to you and your country be grateful to God or whomever you worship. Those who align themselves with this effort want the incumbent powers that be to remain in power, no matter how abusive they might get to be towards their helpless, disarmed subjects. I believe it was Lenin who called such people “useful idiots”….perhaps it was Stalin.

    There will never be zero guns, just as there will never be zero nuclear weapons or zero marijuana or zero sex among teenagers…none of those Genies will ever go back in their bottles.

    Any one with a piece of plumbing pipe and a knowledge of rudimentary chemistry can make a zip-gun. Given that that’s the case, I, as a law abiding citizen, and not a fearful subject of my own government, want to be at least as well armed or preferably better armed than anyone who might decide I’m of the wrong political party, or the wrong tribe, or just that I have something they really want.

    Guns really don’t kill Jamaicans…or Canadians…Jamaicans and Canadians do, and if there somehow were no guns, and if it really were impossible to make guns, humans would still kill humans, with rocks, clubs, knives, broken bottles, cars, or just pushing them down a flight of stairs or out a window, or garroted with a wire coathanger. The biggest and the strongest would take what they please from the weakest. Guns enable the law-abiding to defend themselves and their families, friends, and communities, against predators on four legs, two legs, or even against those who ride around in trucks with twin-fifty-caliber machine guns and pretend to be the government, as they strafe your village and line you up for mass graves or “showers”. Guns enable women to forcibly resist larger, stronger, and more aggressive men. Guns are a tool that made civilization possible by destroying the barbarians, or at least keeping them at bay. Guns are a tool that makes freedom possible by preventing governments from enslaving their own, and other nations, people.

    What part of civilization and freedom and self-defence…what part of human nature… do you not understand?

    Doug in Colorado

  4. Well, it may have been an American gun (which was probably not built in America), but who's to say it was not loaded with a Russian shell? I'd like to see someone come down on them for making Jamaican slaying shells! If American guns aren't being made and resold, think of how many foreign countries would end up with unemployed and poor workers, and how they might be driven to violence in order to provide for their families...


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