Thursday, July 27, 2006

We're the Only Ones Scared Straight Enough

Collective gasps were heard Wednesday as gruesome photographs of gunshot victims flashed onto a screen before dozens of teenagers and their parents.

“Y’all look. Don’t look away,” the speaker said. “This is where the fascination of guns gets you”...

Firing a gun creates a vicious cycle of revenge, Davis said, illustrating his point by saying a sibling of a gunshot victim will usually seek to even the score, which can often lead to deaths of those not involved in the initial conflict...

Guns are made to kill, Davis said, so carrying one – even if it’s to have a sense of protection – doesn’t change its purpose.
Yeah, right, Davis. We get it. You're "The Only Ones" and we're not.


  1. A short fisk:

    “This is where the fascination of guns gets you.”

    No, not even close. This is where the fascination with money and power gets you. Millions of Americans fascinated with their tens of millions of guns never fire a shot in anger, simply because they don't want to dominate others.

    ...a discussion about preventing death...

    As if "preventing death" is a desirable, or even a remotely feasible idea? I guess that depends on who's death we are discussing. If we're talking about the untimely deaths of decent people, great. Otherwise...

    “You just made a decision you’re ready to die or kill someone,” he said.

    So, THATS'S why you and all the other ONLY ONES carry service weapons, backup weapons, and deep-cover weapons 24/7, eh? That explains a lot.

    For me and mine, though, that decision isn't made until the sights are on the target.

  2. -rolling eyes- Gangs, you idiot, gangs. Families without fathers. Children without supervision. Those are the problems plaguing your community!

    But I suppose it's easier to curse the gun because the gun, unlike people, can't respond back in defense.

  3. "Guns are made to kill, Davis said, so carrying one – even if it’s to have a sense of protection – doesn’t change its purpose."

    You bet. Perhaps you should keep your own words in mind there, Davis.

  4. So how come YOU get to carry a killing machine and we don't? Do YOU have a lust for killing?

    Do you think that we who own guns are the bad guys, just because we own guns?

    Youn want us to give up the "evil" gun, put your money where your mouth is. Give up yours first. Then we'll talk.


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