Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Gutzmer on Hot Issues

Hernando Zavala asked me to share the following exchange with Peter Gutzmer, Democratic Candidate for Illinois Senate 27th district:

I have been asked to help support your candidacy. I believe that every elected office in state government can act as a stepping stone to a higher elected office at the federal level. Since we are wholly responsible for the people we place in office and bear the consequences of their actions while in office, I strongly believe a critical analysis of a candidate's stance on the issues is in order.

If you would have my help and support, I ask for your stance on the following two issues. I know time is critical when running for office so I will not expect anything more than brief replies. I looked for these two topics on your website but they were not addressed.

  • What is your stance on abortion? (i.e. At what point do you believe life begins?)
  • What is your stance on gun control? (i.e. Are there any restrictions which you would repeal? Any restrictions which you would support? Assault weapons?)
I know these are "hot button" issues but your responses (or your silence) on these two issues will tell me everything I need to know about you. Please take your time in answering.

Candidate Gutzmer's reply:
Thank you for contacting me, I find it truly encouraging to see people engaged in the political process because your right, voters are essentially responsibly for those whom they elect.

My position on Abortion is as follows: I am not for abortions, any woman or couple who must go through that moral tragedy is a shame. As to when life begins, I believe that is a question for each of us to address personally via our faith and belief structure. Because of this I want to do two things. The first is abortion should always be legal, its illegality pushes a dangerous medical procedure into the shadows and I believe that could be catastrophic to the reproductive health of all women. The second involves an effort to always reduce the number abortions performed each year. I believe that through comprehensive sex education and the interest of engaged parents, we can arm our children with the knowledge of the responsibilities and consequences that come along with having sex. This is an issue that touches people in the most deep of personal places, but that must not stop us from confronting these issues from a rational perspective, one that will allow us to progress rather than regress.

My position on gun control is as follows: I am a gun owner, I own a handgun, a rifle, and a shotgun. As a sportsman I am more than willing to jump through any hoops conceivable when purchasing or using my firearms to ensure these weapons do not fall into the wrong hands. I do believe that every law-abiding citizen has the right to own a firearm. I was also glad that you asked about assault weapons. I find no earthly reason why an average citizen would have a need for weapons specifically designed for military use, I do support an assault weapons ban. Furthermore I do think there is more we can do to track and monitor the sale of firearms in Illinois, and all that can be done to keep our children safe from domestic accidents should be done.

Again I thank you for your engagement. The one promise I can make to all the people of the 27th district is that I am here to listen and will always work for them. My only interest is their interest and what is best for the state of Illinois.


  1. Ahhh, a Sportsman gun banner... It all for the children...

  2. I'd like to know more about the rifle he owns...chances ares it's more powerful that your garden-variety "assault rifle".

    Oh, and the scariest words in his reply..."track and monitor."


  3. I do believe that every law-abiding citizen who is willing to jump through any hoops conceivable has the right to own certain kinds of firearms that I do not find objectionable.

    Sounds like a "Second Ammendment supporter" to me!

  4. I like how Dems can divorce themselves from an issue. He finds abortion to be horrible (most likely because he believes it is murder), but doesn't want to stop anyone (though he would gladly jump through any hoops when buying a gun to prevent criminals from obtaining them).
    I also like how he says he owns a handgun, rifle, and shotgun to prove he is a gun-rights supporter. Y'know, he must be fighting for our rights if he's got a gun or two. He just wants to make sure we really deserve the guns (all the hoops, probably including a limit on guns per month), and really, who needs one of those scary-looking "assault rifles," anyway? Certainly not any good freedom-hating...I mean freedom-loving Amerikan.

  5. To his credit, at least he answered the questions.

    I don't know how many times I've directed pointed questions at candidates who either danced all around the issues without actually answering anything, completely ignored the questions altogether and told me what he wanted me to hear about unrelated issues or simply failed to respond at all.

    One of the reasons we have a Democrat Governor in Virginia who was a virtual lame duck from the day he took office is because the Republican candidate refused to address constituent's concerns.

    During that race, I sent out four letters requesting information on candidate's positions. One to each of the major party candidates for Governor and one each to the major party candidates for my district's House of Delegate's seat. I received two answers. Guess which party the candidates who answered belonged to? Both of the Democrats answered my concerns. Guess who won the elections? I have a Democrat Governor and a Democrat Delegate in a decidedly, firmly and unrepentantly "red" state.

    Kim Du Toit is right. The Republicans are the "Stupid" party. They think they can fool the Democrats into voting for them by "out-democrating" the Democrat candidates and they think that they can safely ignore their base because what else are we going to do? Vote for the Democrat???

    Sorry for the rant. Back to the subject at hand. Isn't interesting how many anti-gun candidates preface their blatantly anti-gun positions with "I am a gun owner myself?"

    As far as his abortion position. How retarded can you get? "As to when life begins, I believe that is a question for each of us to address personally via our faith and belief structure." Holy Moral Relativism Batman!. OK, I believe that life begins at age 18. Therefore, I brought my children into the world, Until they are 18, I can take them right back out of it again.

    In other words, on these two issues at least, this guy is a dyed in the wool, full blooded, bone fide liberal: Pro-choice when it comes to murdering your children before they're borne; anti-choice when it comes to protecting them after they are born.


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