Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Sick and Evil: Yep, That's "The Times"

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Florida’s law is a sick cousin of the work of the gun lobby on Capitol Hill, where it has successfully protected the interstate traffickers of guns used in crimes. And it is the evil twin of laws passed in 38 states that allow concealed weapons.
Yeah, sick and evil--except when publisher "Pinch" Sulzberger's daddy "Punch" got his CCW. But that was because he carried money, and we all know Sulzberger money is much more valuable than the lives of mere hoi polloi.


  1. The moron said "Redefining lethal force is bad enough"

    Hmmmmm. Let's take a look at history, shall we?

    How about this little number from 1641 America:

    "4. If any person committ any wilfull murther, which is manslaughter, committed upon premeditated malice, hatred, or Crueltie, NOT IN A MANS NECESSARIE AND JUST DEFENSE, nor by meere casualtie against his will, he shall be put to death."

    - The Massachusetts Body of Liberties

    From Mass. to, imagine that.

  2. I like that every anti-gun leftist seems to think that taking away a requirement to run away makes murder okay.
    It still requires the act to be a legitimate act of self-defense. If loved ones are threatened, do you run off and hope the bad guy doesn't shoot at them, or do you stop the threat?

  3. And it is the evil twin of laws passed in 38 states

    I thought "twin" defined two of something. I don't even know what you would call 38 of something but it definitely isn't twins. 38 States have passed this "evil" law? More than three quarters of the nation has been duped by the NRA and fooled into passing an "evil" law?

    Oh yeah...and if you believe that one I've got some beachfront property in Arizona to sell you.


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