Thursday, September 14, 2006

Judging Monica

A Bellevue gun dealer once questioned about the slaying of federal prosecutor Thomas Wales will remain in custody on a weapons charge until he can move more than 100 guns — most of them machine guns — that are stored in his home.

U.S. Magistrate Monica Benton
said Wednesday that she was concerned about the safety of federal probation officers who would have to monitor Albert Kwok-Leung Kwan if he was released from jail.

Why? Where's the evidence that he is violent, or the crime to warrant incarcerating him for such cause?

Kwan, a gun collector and former firearms dealer, legally owns those weapons, according to his attorneys...Kwan, who also was arrested last week, is charged with a single count of possession of a machine gun.

Also in 2005, Kwan was held for 23 days as a material witness in the Wales case...Kwan, who was called before the grand jury five times, is not a suspect in the killing.
So why is he being treated like one?


  1. I love how the story starts out

    "A Bellevue gun dealer once questioned about the slaying of federal prosecutor Thomas Wales will remain in custody...."

    He must be a bad guy... he was "once questioned", surely anything the "Only Ones" do to him is just, right?

  2. And since when is an M-14 a freakin MACHINE GUN?!?!?!

    This throws doubt on anything the author says in the article.

    And this is enough to hold someone now..

    "Also in 2005, Kwan was held for 23 days as a material witness in the Wales case. Prosecutors were interested in him because he owned two gun barrels that matched the type agents believe was used in the killing."

    He had a BARREL in the same caliber as a weapon used in a crime, yeah, that sounds like enough to harrass a guy for YEARS!!

    What a crock.

  3. Why hasn't he turned around and SUED their asses?

  4. RJ,

    "The investigation into the Wales killing is one of the largest conducted by the FBI and has focused on a Bellevue airline pilot who was once prosecuted by Wales in a fraud case involving a helicopter.

    Charges against the pilot were dismissed and the pilot sued the government for wrongful prosecution. That case was dismissed."

    How dare they challenge the government? When you're investigated you'll take what they dish out and like it, silly serf....

  5. Welcome to the dark, dark game of ARBITRARY RULE.

    Don't bother trying to learn the rules of the game, as they change daily....

    What, you don't want to play? Well, that's to bad, pilgrim. For you see, YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE in the matter! You HAVE to play, and play you will. Unless, of course, you want to choose what is behind door number 1, 2 or 3?

    Let's give the hapless contestant a preview, shall we? -

    1) Excessive hassling, and dissection of your personal life. As well as audits, fines and penalties.

    2) Imprisonment, at one of our luxurious penal colonies. We'll place you in the cell with 'Bubba'.
    'Bubba' will REALLY like you, and love you LOOOONNNGGG time!

    3) Visit(s) from the boys in blue or black. They like to 'pop' in at odd hours, especially when you and your family are asleep:

    (Doors, and windows crashing in).

    'Don't you dare move your hand from underneath that pillow'!

    'Show us your hands, NOW!'

    Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. pop, pop!

    But, you told me to show you my hands!

    'No, that was my partner that said that! To bad about your wife and kid'....

  6. One thing we know for sure,the judge amd the LEO's aren't in law and order types.

    They are however criminals. What they have done violates the law. Where are all the law and order governors, senators and representatives and police chiefs and agency heads, now?

    They really are making an armed uprising inevitable.

  7. Buffalo Gals, won't you come out tonight,
    Come out tonight, come out tonight.
    Buffalo Gals, won't you come out tonight
    And dance by the light of the moon.

  8. we_are_not_amused,

    A select fire M-14 is not a machine gun, except perhaps in the vernacular of the Media... and to the BATFE.

    I hold both in contempt.


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