Wednesday, September 20, 2006

There Oughtta Be a Law...

Two parolees are in custody and police recovered suspected drugs and stolen driver's licenses from their vehicle after they led officers on a short chase...

Inside the vehicle, officers found a loaded handgun, a large amount of suspected methamphetamines and property from a recent burglary in Pittsburg. Police also found stolen checks, driver's licenses and identification cards belonging to residents from Antioch, Bay Point, Moraga, Lafayette and Pittsburg.

How can we keep stuff like this from happening again?

I know--let's disarm you and me!

1 comment:

  1. Well damn! Didn't these PAROLESS know that the law didn't allow them to have guns, or methamphetamine, or stolen ID's, etc?

    Maybe if we made it MORE illegal than it already is .....yada yada......

    Oh, wait, illegal is an absolute concept, so more illegal is not possible. Well, then, maybe if we made something else illegal for more people it would scare the bejesus out of these guys. You know, make them quit what they do so more laws won't be passed just like the ones they already broke.

    Ever since I had that lobotomy I have been able to understand the liberal mindset that wants to deny rights to the law abiding. It is so nice to be able to identify with a group. I no longer feel so alone. Well, I gotta go now, my meeting of PBD, (Partial Brained Bipeds) is meeting when the big hand is on uh...ahhh....uh


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