Thursday, September 28, 2006

Y'See, There's US and Then There's YOU...

Ordinary citizens will have to check their guns at the Statehouse's entrances when metal detectors are installed in the building next year.

Lawmakers, however, will be allowed to take their guns with them inside.

Yeah, Sen. Tom Wyss, R-Fort Wayne, I really believe you wanted to do it to everybody but settled for "half a loaf."

Otherwise, I might come to an unkind judgment about you.

[Thanks to Eric]


  1. The nerve of these people.

    The utter contempt for citizens.

    And nobody blinks! much less screams with rage, at the affront.

    Our rights will continue to be ground away inexorably in this I have no doubt. No doubt because people JUST DON'T CARE!

    Platitudes about "security" or "safety" are all anyone needs to hear anymore to agree to seemingly any violation. Want to X-ray my bag? sure no problem. Remove articles of clothing that offend or are suspicious? Why not? Want to search my property, person, or vehicle without cause or a warrant? Go right ahead, after all if I've got nothing to hide...

    Those in power keep thinking this crap up, we keep agreeing to it and voting them back into office.

    If I mention examples of such indignities that are being perpetrated on sovereign individuals in the United States most people look at me wide eyed, shocked that I have such an aversion to some "reasonable restrictions".

    What has happened to us?

  2. What happened to us? We became degenerate, selfish, and soft. How did we get that way? Our parents. They lived through probably the worlds most hideous times of economic collapse and war of a ferocity and baseness that defies description and precedent. Then the good people of the U.S. hired Nazi murderers as advisors and rocket scientists, Japanese mass murderers as chemical weapon advisors, and let the vast majority of the surviving Nazi and Jap thugs and craven swine loose on the world. Then they gave us every thing we ever wanted and we came to expect everything there was. Then when we were of age, we expected the same and for everyone to play nice and be good, and for everything to be swell, BECAUSE we have never actually seen want, or hunger, or deprivation, or real evil. And we expect everything to go well in the end, because, by golly, it always did before. But I'm not blaming our parents. It's all going to hell in front of us because, we thought it might go bad, but we never thought TOO MUCH about that, since we never saw TOO MUCH go bad before. When things do go really awful, expect them to be much worse, and then to go unbelievably much, much, worse. Therefore, do not send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee. We have been fritering away our heritage of prosperity, of rights, of accomplishments, of freedom, of our dignity and our lives. It is almost time to pay up.


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