Friday, October 20, 2006

Alphas and Omega

For example, here is a new British and American study conducted in part by the NIH that has shown that to a startlingly high degree, not only is violent behavior correlated to a poor diet but also that by improving the diet with supplements can reduce and even eliminate violent, anti-social tendencies in prisoner populations. They have found that one of the key supplements to be Omega-3 essential fatty acids.

Robert Rose may be on to something, but I'd need to see more to be convinced that there's enough cause and effect to matter. I don't include fish oil in my diet, and I don't go around hurting people.

To be fair, I'd have to read the whole study, which I haven't done, and understand it, which is probably beyond me. I can absolutely buy that diet has an effect on behavior--that makes intuitive sense. But only one of many.

Still, all in all, this is interesting.


  1. If a bad diet causes violent behavior, Rosie O'Donnell would be a mass murderer.


    Ain't it the truth, Mr. Weebles, ain't it the truth!

  3. uwThis is the third or fourth place I've seen this study talked about.

    Apparently there is a pretty strong correspondence - at least statistically. I suspect that if they ever figure out the details that it will be like so many other things where your genetics determine just how much of an effect this has on you.

    One very interesting bit from the study was that the rise in murder rates across America tracks exactly with the rise in use of oils rich in Omega-6 fatty acids over those rich in Omega-3's.

    I've been taking fish oil because of another study showing it has a strong benefit in reducing arrythmias and I'm prone to those.

  4. I'm sure that there is some correlation between the propensity for violent behaviour and (malfunctioning) brain chemistry, and the effects of fish oil on that .

    Just because you don't take fish oil doesn't mean you're going to become violent, unless you already have a propensity for violence in the first place...

  5. There certainly is a direct relation to food in having an effect on the behavior of man. There is no doubt about that. Consider peyote, mushrooms, marijuana, poppies, etc. as providing clear proof.

    But, food does not address, nor have a lasting effect on the nature of man. The mind and spirit are what govern the body.

    Consider most of the genocidal maniacs that have lived. I'm sure their diets were very well rounded, indeed. The fact of Hitler being a health-nut, is a prime example.

    The mind and spirit are the true governing factor. If either of those are diseased. Then the body, with its corresponding actions, will bear out the truth of it.

  6. I wonder if this will have some effect in stopping the banning of supplements that is supposed to be underway.


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