Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A Leopard Never Changes Its Spots

Americans will not even talk about the possibility of gun control, despite the high number of killings, writes Michael Gawenda.
Demonstrably false, absurdly so. Michael Gawenda is still a liar.

[Via Cousin G]


  1. Not only is he still a liar, but a conspiring liar. Have noticed, on a number of different forums, how these communists from Australia and England spread their lies. They regularly get crucified.

    " This will be the best security for maintaining our liberties. A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins."

    - Ben Franklin

    “It was, he said, a chimerical idea to suppose that a country like this could ever be enslaved. How is an army for that purpose to be obtained from the freemen of the United States? They certainly, said he, will know to what object it is to be applied. Is it possible, he asked, that an army could be raised for the purpose of enslaving themselves and their brethren? or, if raised, whether they could subdue a nation of freemen, who know how to prize liberty, and who have arms in their hands?
    - Theodore Sedgwick, Jan., 1788. The Debates in the Several State Conventions, (MASSACHUSETTS), on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution [Elliot's Debates, Volume 2]

    Crucify them! Crucify them!

  2. David, I read this "piece" and then made the mistake of reading the comments page. When I was finally through, I couldn't help myself, I had to reply with something. I doubt they;ll publish it, but here's what I submitted:

    "After reading the comments to this hit piece written by someone who has probably never set foot upon US soil and knows nothing of the workings of said country, I have this to say. If this is what passes for honest journalism in the Land Down Under, you folks are might big trouble.

    Never mind the author probably didn't do one minute of researh on the subject he was writing about. Or that many of you base your decisions on faulty information provided by a press corps that doesn't even pretend to hide its anti-US bias.

    I draw the line at making the US out as the scape goat for every failed policy the international community and the United Nations has come up with in the last 40 years. It wasn't the US that took billions in kick backs from the Oil for Food scandal. But it was the US who kept those invading hoardes of Imperial Japanese from the shores of Australia and the lovely cities of Melbourne and Sydney. Or have you forgotten that?

    I followed the story of the young lady who worked for a bank and was beaten almost to death, who fired her gun in self defense and killed the goblin that attacked her. I breathed a sigh of relief when she was acquitted of the charges against her. Finally, I thought. A bit of sanity in a country that has been overrun with insaninty since 1996.

    Maybe some of you here can explain why, in 2001, Australia and Britain overtook America in violent crime? (America didn't even rank in the top ten in 2001 for violent crime, by the way.) This after recording a drop in violent crime over a 25 year period before the 1996 ban went into effect.

    As to the 2nd Amendment "granting" the right of the people to keep and bear arms, it does no such thing. It merelly puts into writing that which is natural, that each of us has the right to self defense against those who would seek to do us great harm. Look to the animal world. Defense is natural. Does not a bee sting when it senses it may be in trouble? Or the scorpion sting when it is threatened? Or what of the snake? Defense of myself, my property, and those I care for most is something I take very seriously. Yes, I carry a gun. I have been trained and licensed to do so by the laws of the state in which I live. No one has reason to fear it unless they mean me ill will.

    What does the term militia denote in the second amendment "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infinged." Well, that militia that some of you spouted off about as being the "National Guard" is nothing of the sort. It is, as a matter of law, "That each and every free able-bodied male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia." That my friends, is the militia.

    Gun owners in the United States are perhaps some of the most level headed and trustworthy people in the country. Why? For most folks to carry a concealed weapon, they must take classes and tests and pass background checks before they can carry. The revocation rate for CCW holders is almost nonexistent. Why? Again, we're talking about people who are levelheaded and are the most law-biding among us.

    Peter Stewart, you have my admiration, standing up to those who would have you bow at the altar of collectivists who would see you disarmed and prostrated at the feet of the criminals they so love.

    In parting, I will leave you with this. Gun control laws do not work. Study after study conducted here in the US has found no link between gun control laws and drops in violent crime rates. A study was just conducted in your own country which found the same thing. What has been proven, time and again, is that when free people have the means to effect their own defense without fear of prosecution, the whole of society is better off."

    Many thanks to E. David, whose quotes from the Founders helped me out in writing this. Without his knowledge, I wouldn't have known anything about the Militia Act of 1792.

  3. They posted it, Hazmat 97.

    Lotta closed-minded idiots. Perhaps some will come to regret their smug arrogance one day.

  4. I noticed that the only thing they refuted was that the author "lives" in the U.S. So far, the 'bats down under haven't attacked the meat of what I wrote. I'm waiting...


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