Thursday, October 12, 2006

UK: Chips to Help Reel in Fish

Some customers are willing to have microchip implants as a means of paying in stores, a report out today says...Around 8 per cent of 13 to 19-year-olds were open to the idea of microchip implants...This compared to just 5 per cent and 12 per cent respectively for adults asked the same questions.

Any guesses on what per cent of these slave wannabes are open to the idea of sovereign individuals having an unalienable right to keep and bear arms?


  1. Can't help but think the Antichrist is very close to taking power. This is part of the "Mark of the Beast".

  2. People are too gung-ho about some technologies...

  3. R.J. - The chips are manufactured here in the U.S. They are pushing real hard to have all of our military receive them.

    There have already been volunteers who have received them here. There are already countries in Europe chipping every new-born. And the U.S. gov, has already implemented chipping certain domestic and farm animals. With a goal that ALL animals are chipped.

    There is a guy that uses the handle 'PastorGuest' on KABA. He researched the word "mark" back to origin in Greek. It means 'etching'. Has anyone taken a look at a computer chip? Definitely has the appearance of being 'etched', yes?

    Consider some of the other 'signs';

    - Israel back in the promised land. And they have designed and are gathering the materials for a pre-fab Temple. They already have most of the internal articles and vestments made.

    - Floods, (New Orleans, the Tsunami)

    - Wars, and rumors of wars.

    - Corruption in high places.

    - Parents killing their children, or causing them to be put to death, (abortion would fall into that category I'm sure).

    - Children putting their parent to death. (We've all seen the news headlines on that).

    - Men and women without natural affection, (homosexuality).

    - The Lion, (England), and the Young Lions, (Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the U.S.), rising up in defense of Israel.

    - The REAL I.D. coming up in 2008. (Which of course will flop, because it's to easy to counterfeit. Which will bring on the 'need' for a more 'fool-proof' method).

    And there are many more things that are happening that would seem as warning signs.

    I'd say that your summation has validity....but that's just me.

  4. E.David, you're right on the money here! Israel is once again a nation, and all the other stuff fits in the Book of the Revelation of John.

    Sounds like Jesus is your Savior, yes?

  5. R.J. - MOST DEFINITELY. The Lord Jesus, whom IS the Christ, is my deliverer.

    As I've relayed to our friend David, I am one that was truly raised from the dead. I've been shot, stabbed, and was beaten to death. Was in a coma for 6 weeks, declared brain dead.

    My mother was going to have the plug pulled to disconnect life support. Because the doctors said that if I did survive I'd be a vegetable.

    A series of miracles happened, and here I am. Went into the coma weighting about 185, came out weighing 125. That was 20 years ago. There is much more to it than that, but that's the short version.

    So, I look at Jesus as much more than my Savior. He can, has and continues to deliver me. He has been a true friend, even when I am unworthy. My website and blogs are a testimony to Him and the Truth about our country.

  6. Before they plant any micro-chip in me or mine, I will plant a Hell of lot of macro-chunks of lead in them.

  7. SA - Right there with you! To bad that all of the ones that are willing to fight for freedom are not closer together in proximity. They still might get us, but we sure would give them one hell of a show....

  8. E.David, Jesus did indeed deliver you from the dead! Thank God for our salvtion, and let's keep our powder dry!

  9. "To bad that all of the ones that are willing to fight for freedom are not closer together in proximity."

    That's not necessarily a bad thing, look at Iraq. small handfuls scattered about blending in with the rest of them seem to be standing up to the restrained US military. Sure if they took the gloves off it'd be a different story. If people across the country would stand up, run for office, and generally get more involved we might have more of a chance.

    This article goes to show what public education and indoctrinate can achieve. Assuming this technology was possible 30 or 40 years ago we'd have had a constitutional amendment banning it, these days the government pushes is. To hell with those who still want it after being smacked in the face with the facts of their damnation.

  10. hairy hobbit - Agreed, as far as the spread apart, yet cohesive tactic. That is a proven one.

    However, squad or platoon size groups organized and spread out in the same fashion, are an even more effective means of fighting. As the Russians proved to the Germans in WWII. And hit the enemy where it hurts most - the supply chain.


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