Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Most Important Election?

I found this release by my friend Russ Howard to be an interesting analysis on why losing the House will not derail one of George Bush's main priorities, but will actually help him move it forward.
It’s increasingly clear the main threat facing American Citizens, our Constitution (including the 2nd Amendment), and our freedoms, culture, environment, and quality of life, is the “perfect storm” of venal, criminal, treasonous interests conspiring to subvert America’s borders, immigration limits, and sovereignty.

Voter unhappiness with Bush - combined with the Republican base's disgust with phony Rs - is likely to cost the R Party control of Congress, but not the Senate. Many see voting against Rs in congress as voting against Bush. Unfortunately, it helps him. As phony, self-serving, worthless, and disappointing as many "Republicans" in congress are, they did something right this year: R control of Congress was the only thing standing against Bush's comprehensive immigration “reform”. Virtually all D politicians voted for it, and the R Senate passed it. So giving Democrats the House probably gives GW “Guest Worker” Bush what he most eagerly wants: Amnesty & Open Borders. The destruction of America’s sovereignty, via the end of meaningful limits on immigration, would be the ultimate legislative coup of any President. This may be the most important election in American history, because it could lead to the end of American history.

Despite the overwhelming majority Americans opposing open borders, if Rs lose the House, legislators will be tempted to quickly cram down Amnesty and “Guest” Workers, leaving maximum time to cover tracks before the next election. Voters will be upset, but the law will be vastly harder to repeal than it was to stop or to pass. Even if voters were hot enough in two years to toss Congress and elect a loyal President, the Chamber of Commerce and other treasonous groups would need to keep just 40 whores in the Senate to block repeal. They have twice that many. The damage may be practically irreversible. Meanwhile, with Ds running congress, R fundraising will skyrocket and the RINO elite will use diversionary meat puppet issues, exploiting values and patriotism it doesn't share, to trick the base back into serfdom.

In May, the conservative, normally pro-Bush Heritage Foundation estimated the original Senate “Guest” Worker / Amnesty bill would increase immigration by up to 200 million in 20 years, not including Anchor Babies. Given 3rd-World birth rates, it could've doubled our population in 20 years. With the R House out of the way and less need to compromise, any post-election cramdown bill may be even worse.

Action Item? Maybe too late, but if your R congressman helped block the Senate's open border / amnesty scheme and is in a close race, it won't hurt to volunteer at the HQ for last minute Get Out The Vote. There’s also a website for GOTV from home.

Some Democrats in congress oppose amnesty & “G”W, but when push comes to shove, with Ds running the House, they will work with their leaders to pass it.


  1. .....a murderer is less to fear. As the story goes about traitors. Which is what we got here. Where will it end? How will it play out? Firstly, forget about legislative and political solutions in general. The death spiral of the Republic has the momentum it needs to complete its' flush. All the players are in place to make it happen. It will be amusing to watch the socialists insist that all is well as it is flying to pieces. Anyhow, I think this country will erupt into gunfire from one end to the other, and when the smoke clears, the survivors/most ruthless and/best shots will live in a country that is unrecognizable, fragmented, medieval, invaded, and more brutal than anyone, even barbarians,would ever care for. And then the socialists and other enemies will be able to do their victory dance on the corpse that once was America, but it will be a fearful dance, because the world is going to descend into a hell it has never known. This isn't a post-election mortem, racked with regret and hysteria. We've been headed for this for a long time. Lies will not sustain a tyrant, nor a tyrants lickspittles. Our children are going to inherit a horrible future, and there's not much we can do about it except try and prepare them. Take heart. America appeared and prospered once. It may do so again. But we, the living, will be long dead, reviled and cursed.

  2. The comment above is correct, but is still too optimistic. The math of sustained immigration is that genetic survival factors asymptote to zero. See below.

    "Unpleasant Immigration

    Thus our children will lack job and physical security and won't have children so they will just go extinct. The math of immigration forces this to happen. The post above is correct that the humans experience this math in operation as unpleasant, that's how it works.

  3. And so it goes......

    It turns out that a loss for "conservatives" is a win for the president.

    The President is already throwning in the towel, the kitchen sink, breakfast and an interior decorator.

    In the next two years there will be no U.S. borders, an American trade zone supplanting the United States of America, further watering down of the constitution, more "reasonable" gun laws and the dismantling of the constitutional republic.

    The clear message of this election seems to be that the "republicans" need to be more "liberal" to get elected (or more principaled). This seems to be the end of the conservative movement. This could be the end of any semblance of freedom or lip service adherance to the constitution.

    I was listening to feinstein's campaign ads and her platform is striaght chinese foreign policy. We are being sold and delivered to the enemy.

    The next "republicans" running for office will not represent people who believe in the second.

    Are you going to "hold your nose" and vote the McChurian candidate?

    I won't even get into what ABSOLUTELY STUPID, WILLING DUPES THE ELECTORATE APPEARS TO BE. Mark Twain was right, you could never loose money betting against the intelligence of the American voter.

    Today, the United States goes the way of Rome.

    Fight islam Now

  4. Dave, what an uplifting string of comments about the writings of my old buddy Russ Howard. Maybe Russ should start a recall drive to have Bush recalled an screw up the chances for pro-gun candidates in 2008. Oh yeah, has he paid that $800,000 FPPC fine in California leveled against him back when he tried to have David Roberti recalled?

  5. In other words, "A New World Order". Just as papa Bush had stated.

  6. "Bob," why is it you've ignored the reasonable request to prove you're who you say you are by sending me an email from either an AHSA or Crime Guns Solutions edress?

    We can't move forward to discuss what you want to talk about until you do this.


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