Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Stupid Party Says "Hillary in '08!"

John McCain is the most popular prospective presidential nominee for Republican Party supporters in the United States...Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani is second...
I guess the Republicans just got their sorry butts kicked because they're not liberal enough.


  1. "Stupid Party Says "Hillary in '08!""

    Reminiscent of an even more stupid, and evil party in 1933. They are going to start taking extra special note of who their opposition is. Just as their hero's did in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia.

    And it wouldn't surprise me to start seeing charges of "enemy of the state". It might even work out, that they will become even more evil than their hero's.

    We The People have been, and are being betrayed, by them the 'sheeple'.

    The predictions made, by many of the founders, is coming true. Our system is going to terminate in a dictatorship....Or, a horrendous Civil War.

  2. Unfortunately, the Libertarians only polled about 1.5% this election. Not significant, not much of a protest.

    And then there is the Perot effect of a dynamic candidate syphoning away just enough of a protest vote to elect the enemy.

    If the republicans think they are going to rally "conservatives" or "2A true believers" to vote for McCain, Guliani, Romney or gun control, soft on the constitution, stand for nothing, rino, nanny state celebrities they can forget it. EVEN against hitlery, this conservative will not vote these "lesser" evils.


    If the rupublicans put forward a gun control candidate or a candidate from a communist state like MA or CA they can forget winning in '08........And THEY SHOULD GO TO HELL!

    I say screw the republicans, bring on hitlery and let's get straight to the revolution.

    Remember Waco.

    Fight islam Now


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