Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Witch Doctor Prescription

Steve Hargarten, a professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin and an emergency room physician, doesn't claim to be an expert on handguns. But he knows enough from years of treating gunshot wounds and directing the college's Injury Research Center that handguns can easily be made safer.
Hey, Steve, I've got this tapping noise coming from the back of my van and the engine light comes on after about 20 minutes. Also, I don't know if I should move some of the money from my 401k over to a high tech stock fund or shift it over to a safer bond portfolio.

Why don't you stick to what you know, Doc? Because when it comes to designing safe guns, you're an ignorant, agenda-driven propagandist who is unqualified to comment.

To abuse your status as a physician to prescribe otherwise is a dangerous fraud. And to demand changes to the law based on your ignorant superstitions is nothing short of unethical.

[Via Cousin G]


  1. "And to demand changes to the law based on your ignorant superstitions is nothing short of unethical."

    Not to mention treasonous. Wonder what his stance is on Zyklon-B?

  2. Proceed to the showers, nothing to see here...

  3. Cars are much safer today because the federal government has for years required automakers to meet strict safety standards. We're all better off as a result.

    Safer? Good God, over 42,000 people died in car accidents in 2005 in the U.S. Cars may have some extra safety enhancements, but idiots will still be idiots on the road. And people will continue to die every year.


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