Wednesday, December 20, 2006

NRA Sides With McCain on "Gun Show Loophole"

Here's what NRA tells politicians seeking their favor:
The NRA does not oppose an expansion of instant checks to firearms sales by non-dealers at gun shows, as long as such checks are made readily available and conducted in a non-bureaucratic and speedy manner (within 24 hours) to account for the unique and temporary nature of these events.”
Compare that position with the one they tell the rubes.

Or perhaps I should have titled this: "NRA Sides With Miller Court on Firearm Restrictions":
In the same candidate survey, NRA expressed their opposition to gun bans, but made a point of stating that they do not oppose current restrictions on full automatic firearms, short barreled shotguns, and certain destructive devices.
Anybody still believe the current crop of mercenary staffers in Fairfax is interested in "shall not be infringed"?


  1. "Gun Show Loophole" - I hate that phrase. There is no such thing as a gun show loophole. Firearms transactions at gunshows are no different than any other firearms transaction in that state. They are covered by the same state and federal laws as any other sale or transfer.

    When an anti gunner mentions "closing the gun show loophole" what they are really saying is "outlaw personal firearms transactions."

  2. The mercs at NRA must keep the problem alive and threatening or they lose power to raise funds and split the proceeds.

  3. The NRA is just like the Brady Campaign. Both are treasonous organizations working towards the same goal from different angles. Both can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.....

  4. Anti-gunners think freedom is a loophole.

  5. Agree, JR--that's one reason I call them gun show pinholes.

  6. That was a good article David, sorry that I missed it.

  7. The NRA...the worlds largest & most powerful gun control organization. selling us out one bit at a time.

  8. People can just be so unbelievably blind to the truth sometimes. How can these people be in such denial? I guess to justify their beliefs...


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