Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Path of Least Resistance

The Virginia Citizens Defense League is gearing up to boycott and perhaps picket Cole's Gun Shop, saying owner Mark Cole put their privacy in jeopardy when he agreed to let a court-appointed officer scrutinize his gun sales for the next three years.

Attorney Michael Cole, who represented his brother's shop in the settlement, says it was purely an economic decision.

"Was it going to eat into our profits and ability to make a living more to defend this case or to settle it under the terms that we were offered?" he said. "It's a no-brainer."
Yeah, no doubt it was a tough choice, and I say that with no sarcasm.

But collaborators have always had reasons to take the path of least resistance, and the Coles are now in a fix. I wouldn't want my information subjected to that sick punk Michael Bloomberg's scrutiny, either, and would take my business to a place where that doesn't happen.

Still, here's my challenge to gun owners, because the enemy is successfully playing our ranks against each other: Will we take the lead in helping out a gun store that resists and defies the Bloomberg parasites? Legal battles are expensive and protracted. The average gun store simply does not have the resources to fight one, and will make the "pragmatic" choice just to survive.

If our answer is "No," that is, if we have chosen the path of least resistance, then I don't see where we have much room to complain. The gun stores will be picked off one by one, to cave in or fold under pressure. Either way is fine with those who wish to see us disarmed.

I'd think the gun industry would want to keep their lines of supply open, and ought to take the lead in coordinating this. But I won't be surprised to find that until their bottom lines are threatened, they too will take the path of least resistance.

So rather than form a centralized organization--that might impose all kinds of objectionable eligibility standards--we should act locally. If we know of a gun store that's being extorted, talk to the owner about setting up a defense fund--then get your gun owning friends and grassroots activists involved. Figure out how much needs to be raised and come up with a plan to do it.

Or don't, and continue down the path...


  1. Something that has been bothering me from the first in thes BS...

    How does Bloom(ing idiot)berg have the standing to bring suit against any of these shops not in NYC?
    Or at least NY State?

    Those shops (IIRC) are all outside both his jurisdiction, and NY State jurisdiction.

    Were they (the stores) sued in their own localities? Or NY?

    And even if an NY court said, "Thou shalt do THIS," That court doesn't have the jurisdiction to enforce its ruling on a store in (for example) Georgia.

    Or maybe it's just me.

  2. SD, Bloomberg filed his lawsuits in federal court.

  3. The truly sickening part about all of this. Is that in order to prevent actions, such as the ones displayed by BloominIdiotberg. Was part of the reasoning for the formation of a superintending federal government.

    It is obvious that the federal government is NOT fulfulling the purposes for which it was intended. Another of which was to "secure the blessings of Liberty". Why are we the people supporting this behemoth, if it is not securing our blessings? And, instead of fulfilling their duties, they allow the wanton perversion and subversion of our liberties?

    "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness...."

  4. EDQ--you've got that right--I put aside a draft I was working on about that very subject--securing the bolessings of liberty. Maybe it's time to pull it off the back burner.

    Don't know if I intend to post it here or pitch it to the mag yet...

  5. If you need any info concerning the definitions of the founders on "liberty", let me know. Have uncovered quite a bit on the subject. "Life, Liberty and Property", along with the means of "acquiring" and "defending" them were held as paramount. Self-Preservation was considered as part, parcel and inseperable of the right to life and liberty. They are the basis of what was meant to be secured by the federal gov. And there is mountains of proof to support that claim.

    Let me know if I can be of any assistance. Would be more than happy to fill up your ammo bin(s) with some good reloads....

  6. federal court or not, who the hell does he think he is? He's sending folks out to commit crimes, or getting people to commit crimes in other states with the help of other people. Isn't that criminal conspiracy?

    Maybe he should lock the bastards up who commit the crimes in his kingdom instead of going after gun shops elsewhere that he has no authority to harass.

    And while I'm at it, I'd like to see some PROOF that anything bought in these stores wasn't stolen or sold at some point before it wound up there.

  7. VCDL is putting their money where their mouth is. Not only are they advocating an across the board boycott of any dealer that succumbs to Bloomberg's strongarm tactics, they have established a legal defense fund to support those who resist.

    Go to and scroll down the page until you see "The VCDL Gun Dealer Legal Defense Fund".

    There is a link to donate through paypal and also a mailing address for those who don't trust online payment systems.

    So, how about it...the rubber is meeting the road. Do we REALLY support the Second Amendment and the dealers who are standing tall or not?

  8. Hairy Hobbit--it is my belief that Bloomberg's teams aren't really committing crimes and are all legally qualified to make the purchases--but they're using techniques used by "straw purchasers", that is, acting like they're buying the gun for their partner. Otherwise, you're right, prosecution would be in order--I think this is simply a case of "authorized journalists" just accepting what the Bloomberg publicity machine has to say. If I'm wrong, then "law enforcement" is being entirely derelict, as are attorneys for the gun stores who have so far chosen to resist, for not following through on this.

    Sailor Curt--glad to hear that and didn't know--when they get ink, they should make a point of emphasizing that to the reporter. And it would be interesting to see how much gun owners have supported the fund, or if they are typically apathetic.


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