Saturday, December 02, 2006

Toronto Cell Block Locked Down in Ordeal

Toronto police locked down a northeast Toronto neighbourhood, including two elementary schools, after a man was seen with a gun Friday afternoon...

“Because we had information that there may be a gun in the area, we took all safety measures possible”...

The ordeal ended almost as quickly as it started when ETF officers fired tear gas...

“I’m not sure if it was an actual gun or an air weapon or something like that,” he said. “I don’t believe the weapon was ever pointed at anybody and he didn’t use it in any way shape or form.”

An "ordeal." Good Lord. Now imagine how the same situation would be responded to in a free society.


  1. I had so much to say about this, but I couldn't do it without the obscenities and pornographic references. So I will just say, MY GOD, HOW PATHETIC CAN THEY BE?

  2. Just like the time I was intereted in a campus cop's gun, and he explained that when most people ask about it, they're appalled to find out it's a gun.

    What absolute sheep!

  3. What is wrong with you gun loving assholes. Statistics don't lie.

    We Canadians are happier not killing each other, I promise. Our not wanting guns to be freely available is the desire of the plurality of Canadians.

    Concerning your post, Toronto has had a rash of gang related violence over the past two years, so the police are very active in trying to remove the problem.

    By the way, the american legal system treats its citizens like criminals more than here in Canada. We have a much more free society than yours.

  4. There are some Canandians who would strongly disagree with you about how free they are, pal!

    There are nations that have a high rate of gun ownership and low crime, some have high ownership and high crime, some have a total gun ban and low crime, and some have a total ban and high crime. the crime rate seems to be independent of gun ownership, so any statistics you're quoting, you're doing so out of context.

  5. Wow, Anon. You should indeed be grateful for the extent to which your police will go to protect you from scary things. Canada still has a ways to go to become a truly enlightened society, though. A pocket knife surely deserves the same response, and of course the police should be on the alert for dangerous subversives reading inappropriate books. But you know you won't be truly safe until it's forbidden to lock or even close your doors, and there are cameras in every room of your house to protect you.

  6. Anon may be right about one thing, though. Overall, Canada may be freer than we are. If we were the free society at the end of David's post, the police would have been stopped from taking firearms in New Orleans--by force,if necessary.

  7. When we both live in kleptocracies, comparing who is freer is a bit like saying my chains are shinier than yours. We are both perilously close to the tyranny event horizon.

    Our main advantage over Anon is that he doesn't realize this. The fool actually believes that he is free.

    Neat trick if a government can convince its chattel of that. It makes everything so much easier.

  8. Good observation David. We are indeed very close to the "tyranny event horizon". Expecting it any day now.

    Hard to believe that Canada is one of "the young lions", (as are we in the U.S., as well as those in Australia).

  9. Awesome. We're not too far off from dogs trained to sniff out the distinct aroma of Hoppes 9.

    "Attention; this is a general alert. This block has been locked down due to the presence of a gun. Line up at the nearest scan facility for full body scans. Report any suspicious activity as soon as you see it. Repeat; a gun has been detected."

    ugh. That gave me a sick feeling.


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