Tuesday, December 05, 2006

We're the Only Ones Playing B3yond Enough

A teenager accused of robbing a student of two new Playstation 3s on the day the popular game consoles were introduced was shot to death by police sent to arrest him...

“If this boy would’ve come to the door, opened the door, we probably wouldn’t be talking,” the sheriff said Sunday.

Roommate Mike Rhoton said Strickland was unarmed, but may have been holding a video game controller when he went to the door as it was bashed in by officers...

Strickland’s dog, a German shepherd, also was shot to death...

Sounds like a proportionate response. Anybody get the feeling there's...I dunno... a war going on?

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

[Via HZ]

UPDATE: Cryptic Subterranean adds his perspective.


  1. Many cops have that "us vs. them" mindset, and are indeed waging war upon us, Daavid. None of them have a clue about the Bill of Rights anymore.

  2. After reading this, I'm inclined to think that the cops may have had a case for dynamic entry.


  3. Using that criteria, Brass, it's hard to think of a scenario where you wouldn't justify dynamic entry.

  4. "known to have weapons around the house" ... I'm in trouble now

  5. So, a record of being a tad noisy and of using his fists; no history whatsoever of using a firearm.

    That's justification for dynamic entry? Whatever happened to knocking on the door and questioning the guy? Was this son of a prominent lawyer really deemed to be such a risk that the police had to go in like that?

    I don't get why there was such a pressing need for the police to attempt an entry like that- which obviously poses a danger to them- over a crime like this. An armed robber, sure, I could see the justification; but this?


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