Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A Compelling Reason

"I can't find a compelling reason for anybody to have a gun in this courthouse," Commissioner Scott Gillenwaters said.
You'd better pray a compelling reason never finds you, foolish man.

Off-duty law enforcement officers will be allowed to tote weapons in the courthouse, the panel decided in a separate vote.
Ah, yes. As we've demonstrated countless times here at WarOnGuns, only "The Only Ones" are competent and trustworthy enough to bear arms.


  1. That dead judge in Atlanta would supply one. If he was alive.

  2. 2007 and "separate but equal" is STILL alive.

    By equal, of course I mean that citizens are dependent on someone else to aid them, while those who serve them can do just about anything they want as they are deemed above the law.


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