Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A List Addition

Criticize the need for guns, the obsession with guns, and you're labeled unpatriotic, anti-Constitution or - horrors - a liberal.
You forgot "Nazi."


  1. She wrote a lot of the usual drivel, but I see no point in fisking her at her email address. Now, if I could get it published in the on-line paper for their readers to see, I'd give it a shot.

  2. I fisked her on my site.

    If you look up a history of her previous editorials, she delved into such hot topics and where to the the best pantyhose and wearing pink to a party.

  3. ...and haven't a thing to do with hunting quail. As if anyone cares about quail.

    Such arrogance. If it's not important to me, then it must not be important.

  4. Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders a myth? Last time I checked them in the history books, they did exist. She forgot that those who constantly criticize the need for guns are also compulsive liars. Liberals of themselves are not horrible. The results of anyone taking what a liberal says as truth or in seriousness is horrible. Obsessed with guns? No. Obsessed with freedom and the concept of liberty and justice? It is my passion. But be ye apprised, sugarbritches, there be monsters here, and quail is not their obsession. Means no.


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