Saturday, January 20, 2007

No Insult Meant to Whorehouses at Low Tide...

"Welcome to Chicago," says the cop played by Sean Connery to FBI agent Elliot Ness in the 1987 gangster-era film "The Untouchables."

"This town stinks like a whorehouse at low tide." presents a trifecta of corruption. These are the vile criminal plunderers who disarm you and me under force of law.

[Via HZ]


  1. I'm shocked, SHOCKED I tell ya.

    Shocked that Sam Adams doesn't just make beer, he also represents hypocritical criminals operating as "peace officers." While I'm at it, just how does that work, don't they have separation of powers there, or if you write the laws you can enforce them as well?

  2. But, she was an Only One! How can this possibly be tolerated.....

  3. i must be too literal-minded a kind of person, because that simile completely fails to work with me. why would a whorehouse smell particularly bad at low tide? unless maybe it's next to the fisherman's wharf, i suppose, but you'd think then everything in the neighbourhood would stink all the time.

    besides, Chi-town is on lake michigan; it doesn't even have tides. whoever wrote the screenplay should've worked a little harder, i think.


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