Friday, January 19, 2007

Off to a Crawl

There wasn't exactly a rush of people in Platte County aiming to earn the right to start packing a concealed handgun during the first week of eligibility.

The Nebraska State Patrol issued one concealed carry permit to a Platte County applicant during the first week (Jan. 3) Nebraskans were eligible to apply, according to information released last week by the State Patrol.

Don't you just love the mentality that thinks we must "earn the right"?

I'd like to say this doesn't surprise me due to the "legal" infringements (oxymoron!) thrown in the way of a right that shouldn't require permitting, but the truth is, most of our countrymen just don't give a damn.

We can do our best to educate and inform, but I fear society as a whole is going to need to take a persuasive beating before people start to rouse from their apathetic slumber. We saw it in the LA riots, when potential gun buyers (no shortage of "antis" among them) were indignant to find out there was a waiting period, and oh, by the way, all "legal" sales had been suspended pending further notice.


  1. I agree with you. Usually I'd state "wholeheartedly", but my heart just won't allow it. For, IMHO, that "persuasive beating" will be coming around very soon. And, I think it shall be so "persuasive" that many won't be surviving it. There are some very cold-hearted and evil people in our government. As well as the ones pulling the strings of the puppets in offices at all levels of our gov.

    As Madison noted;
    "...If on the other side, our governments should be unfortunately blotted with the reverse of these cardinal and essential qualities virtues, the great cause which we have engaged to vindicate will be dishonored and betrayed; the last and fairest experiment in favour of the rights of human nature will be turned against them, and their patrons and friends exposed to be insulted and silenced by the sycophants votaries of tyranny and usurpation." - James Madison, Journals of the Continental Congress, Address to the States, by the United States Congress Assembled. April 26, 1783

  2. unfortunately, I don't think that persuasive beating will do the job either.

    Look how quickly they have forgotten the lessons of L.A. and Katrina.

    Everybody wants a daddy, nobody wants the responsibility of freedom where self examination is a constant duty.

  3. As usual, James Madison hit the nail squarely on the head. That is exactly what has happened to our nation.

    BTW, "oxymoron"=moron on too much oxygen,causing an inordinate and failed attempt at thinking.

  4. ....Self examination is a constant duty. Absolutely, positively, nail on the head correct! None of us can be true to ourselves unless we look at ourselves in a critical, but not self-doubting light. I am constantly reminded that one of the greatest human attributes is humility. It has two great benefits. It allows us to examine and criticize our thoughts and actions, and acts as a preventative from arrogance. And when Straightarrow says everyone wants a daddy, he ain't kiddin'. I want to be a good father, but I have to listen, and think more than anything else. Persuasive beating? Damn straight, David. Kind of like the infantry. I found out what a man is made of when he is reduced to himself and what he can carry on his back. There are two kinds in the bush. Those that eat and those that get eaten. Your pride, your arrogance, pomposity, and stupidity take a persuasive beating.


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