Saturday, January 06, 2007

VA Alert: It's On!

From the Virginia Citizens Defense League:

Maniacal New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his Mayors' Coalition Against Illegal Guns will be meeting for a one day "National Summit" at the DC Capitol Hilton (corner of 16th and K at 1001 16th Street NW) on Tuesday, January 23rd - see

Bloomy's summit runs from 9:30 AM until 2:30 PM followed by an evening reception at 5 PM at the Capitol Hilton.

VCDL's headquarters will be at the nearby Crowne Plaza Hotel at 14th and K, where at 2:00 PM we will rally members and hand out picket signs, and march on to the Capitol Hilton 2 blocks away to begin protesting.

[Via Countertop]

1 comment:

  1. That's just great. Dems in control of both houses. A rabid anti-gunner as speaker of the house. And now BloominIdiot brings on Usurpationfest 2007. It' like we're in a real bad horror flick.....


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