Sunday, February 25, 2007

And Now on to the Important News

I thought now might not be a bad time to examine someone who has called for the government to impose more disarmament edicts on you and me. This is from "A Judgment Call," my March 2005 "Rights Watch" column in GUNS Magazine:
Gun control advocate Britney Spears annulled her quickie Vegas marriage within hours on the grounds that she "lacked understanding of her actions to the extent that she was incapable of agreeing to marriage." Nine months later her understanding had evidently ripened, because, oops, she did it again, marrying a backup dancer who had fathered a two-year-old and a newborn with another woman.

Based on her support of an "Open Letter to the NRA," it is Britney's opinion that a host of additional gun restrictions should be enacted. After all, you may not have the mature judgment to safely possess guns.


  1. drugs are bad, mmmmmkay

  2. and some don't have the maturity to carry vaginas, but at least Miss Spears doesn't carry hers concealed.

    Yeah, I need a lesson in maturity from her.

  3. Let's see here: She used to be cute, but now she's a slut, and goes thru marriages like most people go thru toilet paper, and is in and out of rehab, and SHE presumes to judge whether I'M mature enough to own a gun?!?!?

    I need HER judgement like I need to get bit by a rattler again!




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