Thursday, February 15, 2007

Back to the Future

"Requiring notification of lost and stolen firearms is the single most effective way to prevent those who are not legally allowed to own a gun from obtaining one," Levine said.
But Lloyd, wait, if the gun has already been stolen, how does that prevent the person who took it from obtaining it?

It looks like Lloyd's prototype time travel field is only effective for 5 days, but I'm sure the staff of highly trained temporal technicians at the CA State Assembly will break through that paradox barrier soon--then maybe we can start requiring gun owners to report thefts before they happen!

Oh, and here's the kicker--you realize, of course, this only applies to "law abiding" gun owners. Criminals, who possess their guns "illegally", can't be compelled to report if their guns are lost or stolen, because that would violate their Fifth Amendment right against self- incrimination. That is, unless we can send Lloyd back to before the Bill of Rights was drafted to cause a few small time rift changes...maybe we could get him to strangle the infant James Madison in his crib...


  1. The Fifth Amendment defense would also apply to owners of unregistered "assault weapons" and handguns that get stolen.

    Guess I won't be reporting if my guns get stolen after all. ;)rqpq

  2. "Requiring notification of lost and stolen firearms is the single most effective way to prevent those who are not legally allowed to own a gun from obtaining one," Levine said.

    Interesting, as the only ones who can be legally and Constitutionally divested of that right. Are those whom are imprisoned according to valid usage of law. There is NO distinction in; "The RIGHT of the PEOPLE to Keep and Bear Arms shall NOT be infringed." Other than the obvious distinction of FORBIDDING government intrusion upon that RIGHT.

    California is one of the chief offenders of We The People's "inherent" and "inalienable" right. They have NO legally delegated authority to enact laws, regulations, or restrictions on that specific "PREEXISTENT NATURAL RIGHT". Conversely, the government is strictly FORBIDDEN from enacting ANY 'law'.

    According to Alexander Hamilton in Federalist #28, there are ample grounds to justify the people in using revolutionary remedy. And this, in order to force the USURPING state back into compliance with the Constitution.

    I've a BETTER idea, Lloyd. How about you eggheads concentrate on doing your Constitutionally sworn DUTY. Remove ALL the perverse restrictions already applied. And let the People exercise their RIGHT as was intended. You would see an INSTANTANEOUS drop in the crime problem in that event.

    Bet you didn't know that, in reality Lloyd. YOU and the "California Assembly" are the REAL criminals....


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