Friday, February 02, 2007

The Evil Alien Prosecutor

Deliveryman who shot 2 is charged

Prosecutors say shootings justified, but gun concealed
See, the prosecutor is that captured alien from "Independence Day," who, when asked "What do you want from us?" replied:
We want you to die.
This really makes me want to hang around and file a police report.

[Via KU]


  1. OK, here in Ohio the concealed carry law that just got revamped you HAD to have it in plain view inside a car, either on the dash or the seat. Luckily that just changed.

    How is on the seat concealed?

    Sounds like another case of the racist roots of gun control

  2. Here in the People's Demokratik Republik of Kalifornia, it's probably best to shoot, shovel, and shut up.

  3. Ah, yes. I'm sure the "persecutor" had a conversation like this:

    Persecutor: "I won't allow this to go un-punished"

    Naive Assistant Persecutor (AP): "allow WHAT to go unpunished?"

    Persecutor: "This delivery guy SHOT someone for crying out loud! We can't have people taking the law in their own hands."

    AP: "But the other guy admitted the attempted armed robbery. The delivery guy was defending himself.."

    Persecutor: "Beside the point! We have to send a message. Just find me something to charge him with!"

    WI. Laws.

    POSSESSION No state permit is required to possess a rifle, shotgun, or handgun.

    Oops can't use that. What else we got?

    CARRYING It is unlawful for any person except a peace officer to go armed with a concealed and dangerous weapon. There is no statutory provision for obtaining a license or permit to carry a concealed weapon.

    BINGO! But wait...
    State law does not prohibit the open carrying of a firearm, but a person should exercise caution when carrying a firearm in public.

    Persecutor: "so where was his gun?"

    AP: "On the car seat in plain sight."

    Persecutor: "Plain sight my ass! Sound like concealed to me. En-panel a grand jury, issue an arrest warrant! I wanna nail this guy!"


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