Monday, February 26, 2007

"My Idea Didn't Work"

If that last word still means anything, however, then we are all, in fact, culpable. Who turned Thomas Hamilton into a beast? God isn't talking. That leaves the rest of us. I cling, nevertheless, to one near-instinctive conclusion from 11 years ago. Guns breed guns. When they enter a society they multiply like a pestilence.

Let's concede that all the bans have failed. That doesn't mean we should also fail to ask a practical question. Britain has become a security state in recent years. Nobody strolls unmolested through customs these days. There are terrorist suspects, so they say, at every turn. So why, precisely, are handguns still getting into this country?

45superman brought this to my attention the other day, asking if I could figure out this guy's point. Without giving it the time-consuming fisking it deserves to show what utter tripe it is, here's the nutshell version:
I think what he’s saying is that he’s an idiot who doesn’t have the first idea what he’s talking about, but he still hasn’t grokked his culpability for contributing to the deaths of people who might otherwise have been able to defend themselves. And even though he admits he’s wrong, he doesn’t seem inclined to reverse course—and hints that maybe if we applied what doesn’t work locally to include EVERYBODY…

Typical fascist “intellectual” POS with blood on his soul but too fanatical to admit it- may he rot in hell.


  1. "sex-toy gns"? If gus are substitute penises, why are so many women buying them (at least, here)?

    "infants"? I thought these were school age children

    This knothead can't even lie convincingly. And, you're right, David. He's doing nothing more than lamenting that criminals thumbed their noses at his precious ban. He stll is a confirmed gun-o-phobe, and uses pejoratives every chance he gets.

    Maybe I should remind him that, in our War for Independence, we weren't killing babies with our guns, but defeating his redcoat thugs. But since he's English, he may use that as more "justification" for gun bans. >;o)

  2. "Let's concede that all the bans have failed."

    "Britain has become a security state..."

    Sounds to me like the objective was met, as it was intended to....


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