Thursday, February 01, 2007

Night of the Evil Gun

Guns don’t like living beings. Their goal is to eliminate living beings.
I dunno, Mr. Gerard, my guns like me just fine. They've been behaving themselves like perfect little non-sentient inanimate tools for decades now, with nary a hint of hostility or aggression.

Maybe it's just you they don't like? Based on your idiotic and offensive belief system, that would seem to be the most plausible explanation. I mean, I don't like you either.

[Via 1894C]


  1. Saw that article and commented upon it, too. Perhaps he's owned one of those really scary guns that go off all by their lonesome. Like exploding cellphones don't ya know.

  2. I'd have to say guns aren't the problem, but I did see the handiwork of an evil inanimate object.

    That guy's comb must REALLY hate him!

  3. The more I read this clown's article, the less I understood it. What was his point? If it was an anti-gun diatribe, nothing he said upported his point of view. It was just a bunch of nonsense.


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