Thursday, March 01, 2007

Telephone Tag

I just learned about PrivatePhone from End the War on Freedom, who credits The Claire Files--I haven't thought through how I want to use their phone services, but the potential to add a quick 'n dirty audio commentary feature to WarOnGuns strikes me as at least something worth exploring.

This is a brief reading from "Intolerable Acts," an article of mine published in GUNS AND AMMO a few years back.

I dunno. I'm kinda leaning towards if someone wants to do podcasting, they need to invest in the equipment, software and training needed to do it right.

Oh well, that's how we learn.

And fortunately, with internal links being temporarily down, I should escape a few critical comments being posted...

1 comment:

  1. Podcast training?


    Not ridiculing you, David. That just struck me as funny.

    Okay, I'll admit that for those who insist on high production values, there's in fact some learning to do with audio mixing, dubbing, microphone selection, noise management and other factors. But I'm thinking that most podcasters are just plugging in the Logitech (or other) mic that came with their sound card (or PC bundle) and calling it good. Probably some have access to an actual studio, or are already audio engineers.

    My #1 suggestion would be to get a decent microphone -- one that's designed for voice. Sure or Elecro-Voice would be a good choice, though Sennheiser, Nady, AKG, and Audio-Technica have good stuff as well. The Sure SM58 is (or used to be) the std. mic for voice used by many singers at many levels, as well as other vocal applications. It's $99 new, but I imagine they can be had used for a lot less, particularly if you can find a starving musician in need of cash.


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