Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Vicious Circle

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's plan to reduce overcrowding in the state's prison by transferring some inmates to out-of-state facilities took a blow when a judge ruled the plan violated the state constitution. The ruling was a result of a suit brought by two employee unions.
I suppose letting non-violent drug and gun possession offenders go isn't on the table?

I heard a CA politician--As I recall it was Assemblyman Tony Strickland --on the radio last night while driving home. Here's what he said about this (paraphrased from memory):
The state doesn't have enough room to house all its prisoners. But the guards don't want to lose their revenue sources by shipping assets out of state. Prisoners are encouraged to voluntarily transfer under this program by the state, except the gang bosses who control their inmate populations will kill them if they volunteer, because if the overcrowding is relieved, early releases required because of overcrowding won't be needed any more.

And then, when the goblins are dumped back into the general population and kill again, why, the same government that imposes these insane policies will demand more citizen disarmament as just the ticket to combat violence. And the legislators passing such bans will have no shortage of public union employees standing behind them--in uniform--for their campaign ads, telling us how it's all about public safety.

And the voters will eat it up.

Just so we all understand how it works.


  1. And the true, gun owning patriots are outnumbered by these idiot voters, which is why we can't shed Feinswine and Boxer.

  2. Interesting how the state refers to its prisoners as "assets". The politicians will continue to push for the criminalization of anything that they can get away with. The goal is to remove the rights of as many people as possible and render them slaves. All with overwhelming public support mind you. Welcome to the new AMERIKA! SIG HIEL!

    Jeff in Wisconsin

  3. "Assets" was MY characterization, Jeff. That's my perception of the relationship. And remember, this was me paraphrasing, not a quote.

  4. Thanks for clarifying David. I still feel that our "servants" want nothing more than to render us slaves and use us as they see fit. The ugliness of the demorat controlled House and Senate will be felt by us all, and very soon I fear.

    Jeff in Wisconsin


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