Tuesday, February 27, 2007

We're the Only Ones Putting Guns on the Street Enough

An audit the city kept secret for more than a decade shows the Chicago Police evidence warehouse was in such disarray in the 1990s that guns vanished from the facility and were later recovered from criminals.
Remember this the next time Gauleiter Daley and his thug lackeys call for even more citizen disarmament.

And then they hide the audit findings--even going so far as to get a court order to squelch being exposed.

What a bunch of...Only Ones.

[Via 45superman]


  1. But it was not until 2001 -- when Officer John L. Smith was arrested for stealing 44 pounds of cocaine from the warehouse -- that the department moved to open a more secure warehouse on the West Side and started tracking items with a computerized bar-code system.

    Smith was sentenced to 24 years in prison. He had bought an Olympia Fields home, a Chicago apartment building, a Rolls-Royce, fur coats, jewelry and cases of Dom Perignon by selling the stolen cocaine, prosecutors said.

    I just love it when dirty cops get caught that way--apparently they don't stop to wonder if people might get just a little curious as to how he could suddenly afford to live like that on a cop's salary.

  2. I live in Killinois. Perhaps the most corrupt state in the union. We have seen gang members hired as police in Chicago. Sherrif deputies shooting at vehicles on the expressway for supposedly cutting them off. Chicago police that torture. Three district attorneys threaten to arrest and charge you with a felony for transporting weapons legally. A governor that says he supports the hunters and then says that anyone that lives north of I80 and has a gun is a criminal. BTW, 9,000,000 of the 12,000,000 people in Illinois live north of I80. Aldermen and other "Only Ones" that carry concealed because they live in or travel through unsafe areas, while saying regular citizens don't have a need to even own guns. Homeowners that defend their family with a handgun get more attention than the criminal that broke into their home...two nights in a row. The list goes on and on and on. A picture of a bunny with a drum comes to mind. It's okay, I'm not bitter.

  3. did they seize the property he bought? Who got it? Which "only one" got it as a reward?

    Gee, I wonder why this was under a protective order? I like to call that a cover-up myself, but maybe I just have less grasp on the english language.

  4. Hmm...
    Isn't Barak Husein Obama a Chicago Politician?

    Just asking...

  5. Apparently they like it that way.

    Chicago Mayor Daley was just Elected to a 6th Term

    He won with 70%+ of the vote in spite of a federal corruption investigation.

    It is the same in MA and NYC it is no wonder Toyota is building a billion dollar plant in Mississippi. The northern cities used to be the industrial foundation of this country. Now companies get new manufacturing jobs as far away from the northern cities as possible.

    Gee, wonder why?


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