Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Zumbo Fallout Continues

After all, we didn't turn out in those numbers when Congresswoman McCarthy re-introduced the Assault Weapons Ban last week. Responses like the ones we've seen over the past two days would have melted down the Congressional e-mail servers.
Agreed. If we focused half the energy on treasonous politicians, particularly Republican sellouts, as we have on a mere hunting writer, it would scare the hell out of them.

[Via Blogonomicon]


  1. I have said this on countless boards, in limitless conversations, and in endless comments.

    If people would expend 1/100th of the energy they did on posting their gripes into writing their misrepresentatives, something might get done.

    I write mine all the time and sometimes I get results.

    When I don't get responses, the results are I know more about the politician and are less likely to vote for them.

  2. Senators: Edward M. "Hero of Chappaquiddick" Kennedy and John "I served in Vietnam" Kerry.

    Representative: John "The Nutty Professor" Olver (who is a far-left as the other two and lies in letters to constituents as well).

    For all the good it does, I send them stuff...


  3. The new AWB is in the House Judiciary Committee. Write/call/email each and every one of the members and let them know that the AWB should not come out of committee.

  4. Feinsten, Boxer, and Pelosi - I can't get no satisfaction, but I hope to hell somebody else get's some.

  5. Senators: Dick "wad" Lugar and Evan Bayh, whose stances on the 2nd Amendment makes them look more like Board members for the NRA than elected officials promoting the rights and interests of our state.

    Representative: Dan Burton, who earned an "A" rating from the GOA--that is, when he isn't golfing instead of voting...

    Nevertheless, I do write them all fairly often, and sometimes I even get the courtesy of a reply. Burton is a lot better about it than the Senators are, and Lugar knows he's permanently on my fecal roster for being the one who perennially moves for a pay increase.

    We're waaaay past the Claire Wolfe line in the sand stage. We just haven't woken up enough yet to do anything about it, and the gummint is pushing and poking to see just how much more it can get away with.

  6. They key is, and always has been the mass of the people. Lethargy is the prelude to the death of liberty.

    The message must get out, as to the inherent danger of letting politicians decide what is best for us. Their ONLY concern is what is best for THEM.

    The people must be reminded that we are the true source of ALL legitimate power. And that the Constitution binds the people as well as the government. It's true meaning does not alter, unless lawfully amended.

  7. I believe the reason for this phenomenon is that we expect a prominent gunnie to support the Right and we just don't expect anything from the politicos except to pad their fat a***s.

  8. By the way, has anyone noticed that the Google cached version of Zumbo's post is gone?


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