Friday, March 09, 2007

All the News that's Fit to Suppress

Google news search for "DC gun ban" at 3:36 pm PST:

Front page posted on The Los Angeles Times' website at 3:32 pm PST:

At the time of this posting, which is about two hours after I captured these screenshots, the Google news hits have gone up considerably, but there is still no mention of the DC Second Amendment ruling on either The Times' website or on their "National News" page as of 5:33 pm PST:

This is lying by omission, leaving one of the world's major metropolitan area in the dark about a significant legal development that conflicts with The Times' political agenda.

The editor deserves to be fired for this, and I'm sending the publisher and editor a link to this post, not because I think it will do any good, but just to register my utter contempt for these transparent propagandists masquerading as a news provider.

This is why one of my recurring themes here at WarOnGuns has always been to decry the concept of "authorized journalists." I consider the rankest blogger as credible and reliable a source for information as the shallow manipulators at The Times. Here's hoping their circulation continues to plummet, and they're relegated to the oblivion they have earned.


  1. The Dallas Morning News and the Houston Chronicle have a link on the front page, but nothing else.

  2. If we keep up the presure. And, back it by non-support. Specifically, by lack of spending our hard earned dollars on their products and/or services. I guarantee you they will change their tune. All it wil take is a "tireless minority"....

  3. Remarkably, MSN has it posted as a top linked article;

  4. 1534 comments posted on MSN article as of the post.


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