Saturday, March 17, 2007

Arm the Herbivores

Nevada lawmakers introduced a bill during Wednesday's session that, if passed, would allow teachers to pack heat. Senate Bill 286 would authorize teachers to carry concealed weapons on school grounds, during school hours.
The "authorized journalist" just couldn't resist creating an emotional reflex, could he? "Pack heat." What is this, a Cagney movie? And if NBC declares the idea of being able to protect oneself and others a "throwback," then, by golly, it must be. After all, this is straight news, not an opinion piece.

I guess this bill could be considered an incremental step in the right direction if you go for that sort of thing. On the other hand, here we go creating another special class of "Only Ones." And it's not like unionized public school teachers have a reputation for being RKBA activists, and the cud chewer they milked a comment from seems to bear me out on this. Essentially, he's admitting he's not man enough to defend himself, but he expects another man to risk his life protecting him.

Me, I'm wondering who the hell's business it is if any responsible citizen is armed, and what kind of total a****** would want to punish those who are.

[Via Larry Rankin]


  1. A cowardly "total a******", that's who. That is precisely what we are up against - cowards.

  2. Grabbers seem to take our rights one little step at a time. Still think getting a bill like this passed regardless if one thinks it is for another so called privedlged class a step in the right direction. Granted ... why just teachers? I suspect there won't be many who would do so but I don't think we can classify all teachers as liberal gun grabbers. There has to be a percentage of them out there who are on our side even if greatly out numbered. Lets keep trying to win our battles a step at a time also. It is a slippery slope, if nothing else legislation such as this is something to grab on to, to delay our trip down that damn slope. I think just the fact legislation like this is even being proposed is still special!


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