Sunday, March 25, 2007

Cancer in the Cantons

Pacifists and centre-left parties want voters to have the final say on breaking with a long-standing Swiss tradition of storing personal army rifles and pistols at home.
Right, and we all know what a sterling record commies have whenever they gain power over disarmed populaces.

Insidious traitors are determined to destroy human liberty from within, under the banner of progressiveness. They do it here and abroad with impunity because there is no personal cost.

What they fail to realize is a record has been created and they can't take it back. None of us involved in political advocacy can.

The time may come when I am required to pay for my words and beliefs. If the situation is reversed, I have to wonder how motivated I'd be to intercede on behalf of those who would rather see me destroyed than armed.


  1. "The time may come when I am required to pay for my words and beliefs."

    Funny that you brought that up David. As the same thought has been crossing my mind lately. However, I've decided to "damn the torpedoes" and press on full-speed ahead.

    The traitors should be aware that there are those of us. On the side of freedom and iberty. That have a very good understanding of the penalties that have been historically applied to traitors. Some of those penalties were not very pretty. There IS a price for treason....

  2. There IS a price for treason....

    Not if you're Jimm Larry Hendren. At least, not yet.


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